Kim and Nick

Does anyone think their romance could have survived after the reveal?

Would Kim understand why Nick kept quiet about Robin's accident?

I thought they made a nice couple, but I don't think Kim would have been able to forgive Nick for everything.


No way. They were only high school boyfriend/girlfriend and those rarely last to begin with, and how could Kim forgive him when he kept what happened secret after she probably poured her heart out to him about it? I know what happened was a tragic accident, but he was still involved in the game that caused Robin to fall to her death. Seriously, I have no idea how Nick, Jude, and Kelly could still be close to Kim after what happened. How did they not feel horrible everyday?


I don't know how they did it either. Maybe they felt like befriending Kim was a way to make up for what they had done. Notice that neither of the girls stayed friends with Wendy. It was Wendy who told everyone to stay quiet, maybe later the others wanted to tell but were scared of what Wendy would do if they did.


Honestly, I think Kim would be more disturbed by them covering up and getting super close with her DESPITE what happened than she would be hateful for the Robin accident (which was a legitimate accident that no eight year old could possibly expect)

So.. I'm gonna say no.

Death Awaits (Horror forum)


I agree. Though, I think their becoming close to Kim had something to do with guilt for the accident as well.


I think she would forgive him but it would take a very long time. I think she'd go many years without talking to him because of what he and her friends did but after a while she'd be able to think about it and understand. They say time heals all wounds so while they may not have stayed in love they'd at least be able to speak to each other in time. Perhaps 10, 20, or even 30 years but I think it would happen.


I agree with you, that makes sense.


No, they break up for sure. No high school romance can withstand that. Heck, how many marriages could? Kim's parents would no doubt be furious if she stayed with Nick. That would make an awkward Thanksgiving dinner.

Put it this way, you have three kids. One of them is killed in a senseless accident. The other one keeps his rage built up for 6 years and then explodes. He dies at the end of the movie as well. This leaves Kim who will be messed up for years and probably the rest of her life with this. The life you had at one point is shattered and one of the people responsible for it is dating your daughter? No, not going to happen.


That's true. It's a shame though because they did make a nice couple. I also don't think it was Nick's fault about Robin.


It wasn't so much his fault, but bottling that up all the while maintaining a relationship or a friendship with her sister all of those years wasn't right either. You have to fess up to that. You just can't date her sister regardless. That family is off limits to you.


Keep another thing in mind. While Nick may not divulge this information, it was him to originally got mad at Robin for revealing where he was hiding and giving that away for the game. He was the one who started the chant that scared Robin. Now, I know he didn't mean for her to fall through the window, but still, how can you stay with a guy who got your sister killed just by being mean?
