MovieChat Forums > Prom Night (1980) Discussion > In real life I seriously doubt....

In real life I seriously doubt....

... That the group of children that were responsible for the death of Robin Hammond could have kept that secret for so long.
In real life one of them would have told out of a guilty conscience or said it to a friend or accidentally mentioned it to the wrong person and that would be that.
.... Just saying. / end rant


Well, six years is not really that long of time. And there have been cases of people keeping secrets for years. Have you ever watched Unsolved Mysteries? There is a mysterious death or disappearance, and the police and family are positive someone knows what happened, but no one comes forward.


We're talking about children who cause the death of a fellow child. We all know how kids can be.... They can talk to other kids, get scared, or tell an older child who blabs or one might even tell an adult due to a guilty conscious. Not only that but they kept this secret into teenage years!? Again we know how teens can be with the talk and bragging. I just don't think that's realistic. There wasn't just one or two of them either, there was a whole group. Odds are someone would have talked or made a mistake at some point. Not only all this but the child they caused he death of was from a known family -- dad was the principal. Like I said I just don't see this being something that could happen in real life.


Also, to someone who was trying to forget, hide or even cope with a secret like this, six years was probably an eternity. You know how the world just seemed to go so slow when you were a kid-teenager.

Obviously we wouldn't have a movie without them keeping the secret like this. But IRL with all the circumstances here I don't think it's possible.


I am not so sure. There are cases of children being molested and keeping it a secret until their adults. Now, you might say death is different, but I think if you really want to keep something a secret you would.

And it is possible the kids may have talked to each other the entire time. It's possible that there were times when one of them may have wanted to come forward, but Wendy may have talked them out of it.



I always found it more unrealistic that Alex wouldn't have told the truth. Apparently he saw everything that happened, and it just makes no sense to me that he would not have told his parents or the police what happened. For what reason would he not tell? I could see an adult doing that if they felt the law would do nothing to them, and then plotting his revenge to make them pay, but a 10-year-old? I have a very hard time buying that.


They were older kids, a pack of older kids, against younger singular him, who would everybody believe? Especially seen from the POV of a 10 year old?


They were only a year older than him. I don't think 10 is that young either that he couldn't see the good in telling the truth of what happened, rather than let the family not know what really happened or believe a child molester killed her.


They were 12 and Robin was 10, meaning Alex was 10 too, that's 2 years, and there WAS quite a difference in Robin, and the pack of them.


But wasn't Alex a junior and the others seniors in high school?

Well Robin had a stutter, I noticed, I'm not sure if she was supposed to have anything besides the stutter.

I just think it's a bit of a stretch to think Alex wouldn't want to tell the truth and would keep it bottled all that time, it was the only way to tell their story as they wanted to it, I just find it unrealistic.


A pack of four 12 year olds keeping a terrible secret isn't impossible. Unlikely? Yes. But we get the movie because of this. It isn't as if their lives were all peachy either. Wendy is just an angry obnoxious girl who obviously has dealt with this death the wrong way. Kelly was so jumpy. She winces the first time the phone rings, no doubt she always was looking over her shoulder. Jude and Nick - along with Kelly - seem to find therapy in being nice to Kim. So they all have their way of dealing with it, and we don't know their whole stories either.

Plus, Nick's dad is a cop. Even at 12 years old there is no way you want your dad knowing what happened even if it was an accident. It also sort of was Nick's fault that it all started. He got everyone's attention that Robin was there and blamed her for "outing" his hiding spot.

So 4 kids keeping a secret, it can happen. I'm just a little surprised Alex waited so long before he did or said anything.


They definitely wouldn't be able to keep it secret nowadays. One of them would've taken a selfie at the crime scene, posted about it on Instagram (with an extra blurry filter) and received 25+ likes, all before they were busted.

Anyone here mentions Hotel California dies before the first line clears his lips.



Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


To me the fact that the killer waited til their High School prom to strike is even more far-fetched.

