MovieChat Forums > The Private Eyes (1980) Discussion > Spell wookel- umm..wukela -HELP ME!

Spell wookel- umm..wukela -HELP ME!

Any idea how spell wukelar/wookelar?????



LOL!! Thanks mattminadeo! My son sure thinks they are real!! He is 6, and we have been watching this video since he was a baby. (Well, as a family, I watched as a kid myself) We watch it like 2xs a month. This last time he watched it, he got freaked cuz he all of a sudden thought they were real!

NOW, he wants to be a "wookelar" for Halloween!! HA HA HA HA HA HA!! I guess that's gonna take a lot of imagination!


That's a bit young to be watching this movie (though it's filled with comedy and puns)...I saw it when I was 8-9 and LOVED it ever since! I heard they were originally going to make a sequel concerning the wookalars, but never did. The first time I ever went to the Biltmore, I did the same thing Tim Conway did as they drove up... my wife didn't understand the reference, since she'd never seen the movie! We went to the Biltmore in 2001 on Sept 11th. We were in the gift shop when we heard about the events happening that morning on their little radio! That's a day I'll never forget. Nor will I, the Biltmore!

My wife was disappointed that the dairy was changed into a winery. Begin of age I was able to go through the taste testing and we bought 2 bottles of it! He he, remembering THIS movie, I asked one of the workers there where the cemeteries were, and he said there are 2 and they are private to the family only. Darn.

Guess they did the cemetery filming in Hollywood?


One of the bands I was in, in high school, was named "Wookalar," after this fantastic movie! Tim Conway and Don Knotts rule the world!
