Is this available on DVD? I've rented it once at a movie store that has since gone under, and the first time I saw it I was in the hospital. I think this is hilarious, but impossible to find. Anyone know where to get it?



Yes it's available on DVD. You can order it from Amazon.com . There is also many available on e-bay. Netflix has it also.


It is also available at DVD Empire


Blockbuster Online has it...I just rented it and watched it again this past week. It is a gem of a movie, the commentary with Lang Elliott and Tim Conway was very interesting. I worked at the Biltmore Estate (the shooting location of the film) for about 7 years, so I found the commentary about the location quite amusing and remembering some of the old timers there talk about some of the things that happened while the movie was shot at Biltmore.


I found it at mediaplay.

"Truth will not disappear because certain facts are ignored." Aldous Huxley


I saw it at SunCoast Video...but they wanted 30 bones for it!


I had to pay 30 bucks for it at Media Play a few years back. I just bit the bullet and paid it. I loved that movie when I saw it. :O)



I heard that the DVD wasn't as good quality as it could be and that they'll probably come out with a better version pretty soon. Any fact behind that rumor???


Let's hope they do come out with a better DVD. I also paid $30, and while it was worth it just to have, it was extremely disappointing for the price. It's not widescreen, the picture's scratchy and has cigarette burns in the corner (to indicate reel changes in the theatre), and the deleted scenes that used to pop up on TV are noticably absent.

Hen's Tooth Video generally does a beautiful job with their DVDs (they released "Company of Wolves" and a few other discs I own) but they dropped the ball on this one. There's a commentary with Tim Conway that's only really notable for his talk about the sequel (revolving around the Wookalar) that never got made, a trailer and a photo gallery that looks like they took screen-caps from the film.


I also hope they rerelease it. I am hoping for a "comprehensive" director's cut that includes all of the scenes. I have the movie taped from TV in 1984 and it includes scenes not included on the DVD, but does not have some included on the DVD.

"Knowledge is a three-edged sword."


You can get it on deepdiscountdvd.com for $18.



FWIW, I'd also love to see a revision of this disc, not only for the widescreen and deleted scenes (maybe some out-takes?) but most definitely some of us would love (need, actually) either Closed Captions or English Subtitles for the Hearing Impaired).
