Two funniest moments

It's been 30 years since I saw this but the two funniest parts were her marching in a circle in the rain and saying she wanted to go out to lunch, and the scene where she wants to sleep in and the sergeant pulls the mattress out from under her. He did it as easily as picking up a piece of paper.


2 very subtle scenes are my favorite

-we she comes in from the rain and her mom is shaking the rain off of her poncho.

-when Assante chases the dog away (in french) and step right in the dog pee (a and slides across the floor a little)

of course Harry Dean Stanton as the recruiter is great....I was an Army recruiter for 15 years


Did he did? I loved it when he told her she could just "quit" like any other job.


naaaaah Recruiting in the early 90's was a lot different from recuiting in the late 70's-early 80's...although that book he was using to show her the pictures of the Army bases with the sailboats and condos....I had that same book...we do have a base near Monterey, Ca. an it is SECTACULAR (Monterey is...not the base itself!)


Just like when she was trying to do the push-ups after he threw her off the bus. It was probably nothing for him to lift her up and down like that.

I also liked when she was in line asked they guy if green was the only color the uniforms came in, and when she told the captain she didn't want to have to talk to "her boss".


I know there's more than two here but...

When Judy’s mom says it’s cold because it’s November and her dad says it’s November everywhere, genius.

When phone rings and Harriet tells Teddy can’t you answer it, can’t you move?
When Doreen gets covered with blue dye (pretty color though).

Also when Judy’s best friend starts to mention Yale’s funeral and the looks of the mom to her like “shut up”.

The part I DON”T like is Judy “bedding down” with the Henri (even if he is French), without being married.

BTW-Barbara Barrie was born the day before my mom. Some day the two just HAVE to meet.


When she jumped off the plane and yelled: "My God! Open, please!"

"Let us be crooked but never common"


"Has anyone ever died from basic?" is a great line. After she jumps out of the plane and her parachute opens, PB goes, "ahhhhhhhhh," in her sweet, high pitched voice. Also, when sergeant Lewis first meets Judy in the barracks, the dialogue is great.

"Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death."



All Miss Brennan has to do is lift an eyebrow and tears are running down my cheeks!


after the funeral when the old relative comes upstairs to comfort Judy and she says "I have something that has gotten me through some very rough times, let me share it with you?.... Que Sera, Sera. I got it from the song!"

