Is this really rated R?

I was very surprised to see that this was rated R per IMDB. Why was it rated R? Violence? Nudity? Usually Goldie was in Family Friendly fare.

Support the troops; Don't send them off to die in an asinine war; instead, bring em home now!


Language and nudity/innuendo.
Good sig!

Jackie: Curfew is your parents' way of saying, 'I *love* you.'
Becky: I curfew, Darlene.


Thanks for the compliment. There was nudity? Don't tell me Goldie got nekkid!

Support the troops; Don't hang them out to die in a fruitless war.



Language, nudity, the campfire scene.

It was on OWN yesterday...heavily edited.


If it were made today, it would probably get rated PG-13; there's some swearing and some sexual innuendo, and while there IS a sex scene, no nudity is shown (the only nudity in the film is in a BRIEF shower room scene). Honestly, I'm not sure WHY it's rated R; a movie like AIRPLANE! arguably has a lot more "dirty" content and got a PG.


Actually, there was some nudity in that sex scene. Goldie Hawn did show her breasts if I'm not mistaken.



Rated "R" for nude scene implied oral sex (more then once) drug use. IT will still get an R rating today. The nudity in the shower would be the topper. If this film was re-made today they would make PG-13 rated film. Sad thing is that is not a film for kids under 12. Its made for Adults. In reality its all about a spoiled self centered - girl woman becoming a grown up.


Rated R by 1980 standards. I guess they don't update those things. Nowadays it'd probably barely make PG-13.


The scene where the gals are smoking pot by the campfire while on the wargames probably pushed it over the edge for an "R." If re-submitted today, it probably would get "PG-13."
The DVD version looks especially poor. Full frame, and no commentary. Come on, Goldie. This is your best film. It screams out for a good DVD release, with outtake and your commentary.



Pvt. Winters shows her breast when they catch her making love to Craig T. Nelson.


She was briefly topless in Wildcats...


PG-13 didn't come out until 1985. This movie was too much for a PG.

Look behind you! A THREE-headed monkey!!!!!!



In 1980 there was only G, PG & R for mainstream films. Private Benjamin was very tame for an R rated film of that era and some of the reasons stated for it here don't really make sense. The campfire scene? 9 to 5 and Poltergeist both featured the lead characters smoking pot and they were PG. Language? Aside from God's name in vain, SH-- and a few other mild (now TV grade) explitives, there were no F bombs. The line in which Judy quoted Yale's last words as "I'm cumming" would have possibly let to an R more than the language. The sex scenes were tame also, except for early in the film when Judy went down on Yale in the limo. That scene was mostly implied but the connotation leading up to it may have been graphic enough to earn an R. Released today the movie would certainly earn a PG-13.


Mom accused Dad of taking us to see a Porno film.

That reminds me of my mom's reaction to finding out my dad and I saw Bachelor Party (1984). She saw the cover and accused Dad and I of watching a porno movie. They also had it out right in front of me.

You're gonna need a bigger boat.


Orgasm talk and some guy dying when he busts a nut.
