So bad its AWESOME!!!!

haha I got to watch this again at the weekend, nice and remastered, a BIG improvement from the vhs copy I saw a few years back!!
However.. the acting.. terrible, the makeup.. terrible, the dubbing terrible, the plot.. terrible.. AND I LOVED IT!!
Its so bad that its brilliant, great entertainment.. and the adult kid, come on.. AWESOME!! Where else could you get away with something as stupid as that?? haha

"piss ya pants.. I said piss ya pants!!"


Just watched it again after years and couldn't agree more, they really cleaned the movie up I remember I couldn't even see what was going on in the VHS but very clear on the DVD.


It is godawful, but I love it. I just can't believe their utter stupidity at the end! Locking themselves in the little room!!!


If you think this is bad what would you think of Survival of the Dead?

-Rick Grimes


Dude, you just said it all why this is a real masterpiece of its kind. I crack up myself everytime I see it. :)
