MovieChat Forums > My Bodyguard (1980) Discussion > Someone should have shot the principal!

Someone should have shot the principal!

I saw this movie and read the book when I was 14. Clifford went to the principal to tell him that he was being harassed and bullied by another student. The principal blew him off. He belittled him saying that things weren't as sheltered in public high school as they were at the private academy he previously attended. "Don't whine when someone looks at you cross-eyed". (or something like that). What a worthless and sorry excuse for an authority figure. That was unbelievable! Very unrealistic and outdated. Schools take bullying very seriously. There are conflict resolution and crisis intervention methods supported by counselors and administration. Students need to feel safe at school. We don't wait until there is a shooting or similar disaster. It has been said, 75% of teachers ignore bullying. In 1980, that number was 100%! Bullying affects everyone. The bully, the victim and the bystanders that want to help, but don't know how. We have come a long way but still have far to go.


It's nice to say that it is no longer tolerated, but it is. Most people still look the other way because no one wants to get involved. I never met a bully that started in high school, it usually progressed over the years. My former school completely ignored bullying, child abuse, you name it. Nothing in my old school has changed since I graduated in '88. So much for progress.



Plus it wouldn't have been nice to shoot John and Joan Cusacks dad.

He's taking the knife out of the Cheese!
Do you think he wants some cheese?


>>Plus it wouldn't have been nice to shoot John and Joan Cusacks dad.<< Lol, just what I was thinking....

"My family tried to kill me, you pathetic meatsack."


Schools take bullying very seriously.

School administrators have no choice but to take bullying seriously today.
Besides the above-mentioned fears of Columbine-style shootings, School districts now must contend with the prospect of being sued by parents whose children are the victims of assaults from other students. If schools fail to make the educational environment a safe one, they stand to lose big time in civil court trials. Several school districts have been successfully sued on these grounds.
"He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster." -- Nietsche


the principal gave moody 2 weeks detention


The workplace can be like that too--with incopetent bosses that do NOT protect their employees from others.

About 20 years ago--I was physically threatened by a grpup of guys I worked with who hated me(I never did know why..). At first--I blew it off. But when the leader of the group of about 5 guys(IIRC) made EXPLICIT threats to me about what he was going to do--I felt scared, and went to the manager about it. He totally blew me off, and acted as though I had made it all up, or that it was no big deal. SO I returned to work, not knowing what else to do.

A few hours later--One of the bullies approached me and told me that "tomorow was the day". They were going to "assault" me--and then kill me".

Feeling I had no options-I quit that night. I tried to get unemployment, but no one would stand up for me--and the manager lied about everything. I was denied benefits--and being 19 and scared...I just crawled away...

If anything like that happened again today--I would NOT crawl away. Not anymore!!

So--jobs can have JUST as many opportunities for bullying and/or assault as can school, especially in the management turns a deaf ear to their employees(who are not "pets".)


I hated that principal too. He should have been kicked out of his job, that sadist bastard.



Wow, check this idiot out.


Yeah that post was a bit over the top


You must have low self esteem.


Dude, it was 1980. Principals didn't care about bullies in large high schools. Bullying isn't tolerated now, but back then it was par for the course.


have you ever saw bang bang you're dead? that is a real eye opener!!!
