MovieChat Forums > My Bodyguard (1980) Discussion > Family movies used to be gritty

Family movies used to be gritty

When this movie came out, it was considered a family movie. But the tone was so gritty and realistic compared to today's family movies. Back then, family movies used to include teen smoking, cursing, drinking, and sex. Hell, at the end of The Bad News Bears, the whole little league team downs brewski's.

I would actually watch these movies with my entire family and nobody batted an eye. We'd take it all in, the negatives along with the positives-- and try to learn a lesson from it. It's like we were made out of steel. Anybody else old enough to remember that tough era of "family movies?"

Movies like:

Over the Edge
Little Darlings
Without A Trace
A Hero Ain't Nothin' But A Sandwich (the most hardcore PG movie of all time)
