
I love low budget horror movies like American Gothic. That movie was just so odd. I have heard about Mother's Day and thought it looked like one of those movies that were so bad it was good. Can anyone tell me if this movie is worth watching or if it's boring?


It's a great movie. Actually Mother's Day is my favorite horror movie of all time... followed by American Gothic.

I know you are, but what am I?


I watched this when I was about 13 or 14, and it is one of the scariest movies Ive ever seen.

- Why do you wear that stupid bunny suit?
- Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?


I saw this movie for the first time when I was eight. Funny story, actually. My Dad was babysitting my sister (who was about 6 at the time) and I and took us to the rental store to pick out a movie. This was back in the VHS and Beta tape days. Rules were this: we could pick out any movie we wanted as long as an R rating was not present on the box. Since this particular film did not have a visible rating on the box, "Mother's Day" was fair game. Besides, the title sounded harmless. To be extra slick about the whole thing, I moved it off the horror section shelf into the kids section. My Dad obviously didn't pay too much attention to the box graphics of the ax-wielding retards because it passed his inspection. Three minutes into the movie, he realizes what we are watching. However, my Mom wasn't home, and he was always of the mindset that you should not stop watching a movie once it has started until it is over. Miraculously, we both turned out pretty normal 22 years later.


LOL... good story... I actually saw this movie for the first time in 4th or 5th grade (about 10 years ago). I had a gift certificate for Suncoast that my grandma got me for Christmas... so, we went to the store to pick out a few movies and my mom actually picked this one out for me since I was a horror fan. Well, we watched it when we got home and thought it was pretty amazing... we still quote it and watch it today.

I know you are, but what am I?


This is by far my favorite horror movie of all time. They dont make em like this anymore, sad to say. It was always a fantasy of mine to be in movie like this!




"It says '1632'. 'Zat a year , or somethin'?"- "Chunk"

One of the best, and though Rob Zombie called it a *beep* film, he certainly found it likable enough to pay homage to it several times in House of 1000 Corpses.Great characterization, a terrific blend of horror and humor, (something rarely executed half as well)


woaw....this movie, only watched it like 4 years ago, but it was so damn nerve racking and it was so REAL, that I haven't been able to watch it again..it's in my closet safely locked away...teehee...
The scene I really remember is when one of the retard sons is punching the girl ontop of the car (I THINK it was on top of the car...) I thought that was so real...and terrible...and...(lacking inspiration and vocabulary here...umm) well, u know what I mean.
I'll have to watch it again sometime, see if it shocked me as it did the first time


I thought it was a great horror movie, I finally saw it for the first time last night, ha ha. The only thing it lacked was killings. Not that it brought the movie down, but if had a bigger bodycount then this movie would really, really rock.
