MovieChat Forums > Motel Hell (1980) Discussion > This Movie Scared Me Half to Death!

This Movie Scared Me Half to Death!

Ugh, this movie freaked me out like hell. I mean, I only got to the part where the lady, the cop, the farmer and his daughter are out on a pinic but up till that point it scared me the hell out of me. Did it scare any of you?



Personally I thought it was funny but to each his/her own.

(Yes I've still shot myself already due to others' stupidity. Now I'm a zombie. Beat that bitch!)


I didn't really find anything scary, just the part with the guy wearing the pig mask holding the chainsaw. That part always freaks me out! lol

!The Future Is Now!


I thought the whole movie was funny - this is a really good, 1980's cheeseball horror. I saw most of it last night on TV. Luckily it was on a cable movie channel so they didn't edit it or put in commercials. My favorite line was when the farmer says to the lady "I'm going to teach you the finer points of smoking meats". Least subtle innuendo ever.

"What knockers!"
"Oh, thank you doctor."


I'll admit that this movie freaked me out when I saw it, but I was only 11 at the time and hadn't really seen many horror movies at that time. I can sympathize with you.


I was young when this was released, so I didn't see it until I was an adult. I do, however, remember the advertisements for it on TV, as well as the pictures from my brother's Fangoria magazine. The film really scared me to death, just from the bits I saw of it. It's funny how our minds work when we are kids. Seriously, it disturbed me and I was always thinking about it, LOL! Having finally seen it, I absolutely loved it. It was the perfect black comedy that was played straight. That is what is wrong with most horror of this type...they can't resist the temptation to ham it up more than need be. Here, it was the perfect balance of horror and cheese. Farmer Vincent's last line was classic!

