MovieChat Forums > The Monster Club (1981) Discussion > Musical sequences: Yay or Nay?

Musical sequences: Yay or Nay?

I just watched the movie for the first time in 20+ years, and enjoyed it way more than the last time. As I'm looking around at this board, however, there seem to be a lot of complaints about the music. Personally, I liked the songs - they're corny, catchy and don't distract from the stories. So who liked 'em, who didn't, and why?



A big, fat, king-sized, resounding NAY. I love this film in a "it reminds me of my childhood, when I could stomach cheesy horror" kind of way, and I love any flick that brings together some of the greatest iconic names in the genre, but the musical interludes always set my teeth on edge. It's gotten to the point where I fast-forward past them to watch the stories.

I actually had some respect for award-winning B.A. Robertson until I rediscovered this film. Now I just want to smack the hell out of him. It's not so much the song "Sucker for Your Love", but the fact that they utilised the nauseating 'EXTREME CLOSEUP-EXTREME REVERSE-EXTREME CLOSEUP-EXTREME REVERSE' camera trick that was so popular in Sixties pop movies.

DAD!! Tom Cruise won't come out of the closet!!!


I really enjoy the Stripper song but the rest I feel indifferent towards. They neither hurt the film nor help it; they're just there.


I liked the idea of the songs, and they were all harmless enough, BUT..."Sucker for Your Love" was just incredibly annoying, especially when the camera basically did nothing but close-ups of the lead singer for the entire song. : (


Nay but, if I had to pick a decent one. It was the song by Night. &


Yay. I enjoyed the songs, too. They give the film its own unique charm. The "new wave" style music encapsulates that era.

Stein/Baraka 2016


Yay! ☺


Yay! I love the music in this film, especially that Stripper song.
