MovieChat Forums > Midnight Madness (1980) Discussion > 2 things about this movie...

2 things about this movie...

Wasn't this supposed to be a childrens movie? Then what's with the sexual references and the guy swimming in beer!?

And I have a question about the blue team (with Stephen Furst); what was the relationship between the characters in this group? Was that girl for instance his girlfriend or sister?

It's better to be dead and cool than alive and uncool


I watched this all the time as a kid! I always thought the guy swimming in beer was hilareous! What sexual references are you talking about? When that corney music played every time Adam and Laura got close? Or when they finally kissed at the end? It's still a G rated movie...isn't it?

The blonde on the blue team was Harrold's girlfriend.

I have some questions too. I know that I am WAY overthinking here. These are just fun to think about, though...

1. How did that computer of Harrold's figure out the clues?

2. Was the Great All Nighter part of Leon's thesis or something? Or was Leon just some weird guy that everyone knew who enjoyed creating the Great All Nighter for fun? Did Leon make any profit from his Great All Nighter?

3. Did Leon pay Candy and Sunshine for their assistance? Or were the three of them just friends helping him out?

4. Since Leon spent so much time analyzing who he would pick as team leaders, do you think he had any idea who might win the game?

5. Who paid for the damage to the hotel? Or the piano museum? Or the restaurant? Or the observatory? Or Pinball City? Or the airport?

6. Why did the football players break their glass pitchers full of beer and then still drink out of them?

7. Did Scott's parents even like him (leaving him alone on his birthday)? Adam obviously didn't.

8. How long had Adam and Harrold known each other? I ask because Harrold's dad gives Harrold a speech about how he doesn't want Harrold to be upstaged by Adam "again".

9. How long did poor Flinch's date wait outside the door before she realized he ditched her?

10. Is that handfull of marshmellows all that Harrold ate all night?


I love your questions, Supermodel! Many of them run through my mind when I'm watching this movie.

As for #6, the beer pitchers, I love that part. I guess they either just don't care or are too stupid to worry. We're talking about the Meat Machine, after all, and anyway, no one's penetrated their front line for the last 5 games...LOL.

As for Candy and Sunshine, I think they actually dug Leon!

Finally, not sure what the OP meant...*What* sexual references??


Ha ha, I am watching it now...

The only thing I can think of that may constitute a sexual reference is the telescope scene where that chick is getting undressed in front of the window and everyone is checking her out. I love the music it plays when they see her. LOL!!!!

M-E-A-T M-A-C-H-I-N-E! Meat Machine! Meat Machine!


OH yeah, I forgot about that...

"IF I'm lucky, I MAY get to see Venus' two moons!"

I love the father's V-neck.


Also, there's the "look between the two giant melons" restaurant scene. Those are all I could figure out were the so-called "sexual references" that the OP may have been referring to.

Which leads me to more questions (LOL!):

Was that waitress a friend of Leon's?

Did he give her that neclace to wear, or did she own it (if so, the teams stole it)!?!?

Did she KNOW what the clue was (it WAS on the menu...) and that people would be looking at her chest?!?!

How is it all the teams were seated in that waitresses' section?

What exactly did the teams order? Two giant melons? Several giant melons?

Okay, that's all my questions. :)

For now...



I think Leon must've known her and given her the necklace to wear...At least, that's what I've always assumed.

One thing (and one thing only) that bugged me - Flinch doing his "Meego, Maygum...HUGE M..." thing - I just didn't buy it....


I love this movie! It's awesome! I think it needs to be remade!


Hmmmm...a modern version. Who would you cast as Harold? Or Adam?

Melio would have to be someone great - he's the best character!


The waitress most likely either owned it or was given to her (via Leon). Doubt she knew what was going on since she acted very surprised when everyone went after her necklace. They ordered all different kinds of melons (i.e. watermelon).

Poop in his hand ... Poop in his hand


Supermodel, I was wondering the same thing about Harold's computer.

I watched this movie a number of times as a kid, and the one sexual reference I didn't notice then, and it even escaped my attention a few times as an adult, is that in the scene where Leon appears on the screen of the video game to reveal the finish line is somewhere in the Bonaventure Hotel, the "horns" on his head appear to be a couple of sex toys.


The only sexual reference (just barely) not mentioned so far is Adam asking Flynch if he is a virgin.

1. How did that computer of Harrold's figure out the clues?
Dramatic license.

2. Was the Great All Nighter part of Leon's thesis or something? Or was Leon just some weird guy that everyone knew who enjoyed creating the Great All Nighter for fun? Did Leon make any profit from his Great All Nighter?
I always assumed he did it just for fun but the thesis idea is intriguing. It's a very interesting take on it. What do you suppose his major might be if it is his thesis?

3. Did Leon pay Candy and Sunshine for their assistance? Or were the three of them just friends helping him out?
They were always pretty close and friendly with him. It would appear that they are friends. Of course, there is the issue that in a movie filled with crazy stereotypes, a character like Leon wouldn't have an attractive woman on each arm. But neither would Harold. This question may need to be run through Harold's computer.

4. Since Leon spent so much time analyzing who he would pick as team leaders, do you think he had any idea who might win the game?
I suspect he did. Who do you think he expected to win is an interesting question. I would think he expected the white team to win. The questions and challenges were mostly puzzles and playing a video game which is normally associated with academic nerd types.

5. Who paid for the damage to the hotel? Or the piano museum? Or the restaurant? Or the observatory? Or Pinball City? Or the airport?
Dramatic license again. Maybe Leon was really rich?

6. Why did the football players break their glass pitchers full of beer and then still drink out of them?
They weren't exactly intelligent.

7. Did Scott's parents even like him (leaving him alone on his birthday)? Adam obviously didn't.
We also don't know what time it is when Scott says this. It could have been after midnight making it his birthday for only a couple minutes/hours. There may have been plans for a (surprise) party that evening.

Scott also says his parents are out of town. We don't know why but there are a number of reasons to think it is not because they wanted to be out of town on his birthday. It's possible they were returning to town that day.

8. How long had Adam and Harrold known each other? I ask because Harrold's dad gives Harrold a speech about how he doesn't want Harrold to be upstaged by Adam "again".
For a while but it is impossible to know for how long.

9. How long did poor Flinch's date wait outside the door before she realized he ditched her?
She seemed desparate enough to wait a long time.

10. Is that handfull of marshmellows all that Harrold ate all night?
I can't remember if we see him eat any of the melons they order at the restaurant. I guess it could have been. It's only one night though. I don't see the big deal about it.

Now my own question:

Why did the red team girl punch the guy at the Stargate?


Because he broke her concentration when she and Donna were trying to count..She tries at first to ignore him, but he keeps saying, "HEY, LITTLE MAMMA!"

By the way, I loved his scarf - when do you ever see a man with a scarf like that these days?

Great replies above!


LOL to the responses!!!!!

I think she punched him because she hated men. Pretending to be concentrating was the perfect excuse, though. Funny that her friend didn't really seem surprised...


Good point!!

I always got the feeling she wasn't crazy about men. ;) Remember how she said, a bit too enthusiastically, "Oooh, I'd like to get even with those moron jocks!"


His major could be Psychology or Math, studying game theory and interpersonal relationships in competition.


6. Why did the football players break their glass pitchers full of beer and then still drink out of them? The break was accident and why waste good beer

8. How long had Adam and Harrold known each other? I ask because Harrold's dad gives Harrold a speech about how he doesn't want Harrold to be upstaged by Adam "again".
Can only guess they were childhood friends that ended badly (perhaps due to Adam being smarter). So maybe their families were neighbors.

10. Is that handfull of marshmellows all that Harrold ate all night? No he also had planned on having some cookies but his buddy took those from his hiding spot. Sure he had a bit to eat at the restaurant

Poop in his hand ... Poop in his hand


Personally can't see how anyone could take this as a childrens movie ~ It is based on college kids

Think most ppl answered your sexual references such as
1. The observatory scene where they view the lady getting undressed
2. Hamburger Joint scene with the clue being about the waitresses melons

The girl you referring to Lucille was his girlfriend

Poop in his hand ... Poop in his hand


This was a movie for kids and adults. Blaylak swimming in Pabst Blue Ribbon was my favorite part then and now. Thats the problem with people nowadays.They are overly sensitive and brainwashed with political correctness. Dont worry, your kid isnt going to turn into an alcoholic sex fiend because they watched this movie. Go change your pad and watch "Little House on the Prairie".


The movie appears geared towards a young audience but not small children.

I assumed that Harold (Stephen Furst) of the Blue Team and Lucille were a couple. If my sister tried to put me on a diet I would tell her to step off. I would go through the motions if a girlfriend did the same thing. Lucille probably liked Harold for his money. He did not seem to have much else going for him, but you never know. He appeared to lack direction, but was not stupid. I guess he would be considered an underachiever.


I read it was produced by disney but their name did not appear in the credits because of the content you mentioned. It was only later that they put their name on it for one of the dvd releases.


What kind of a burger place served cantaloupe in 1980?? I lived in LA then, and I don't remember a single one doing that.
You're off your rocker if you dont look inside the locker.
