MovieChat Forums > Midnight Madness (1980) Discussion > 'Midnight Madness' Reunion

'Midnight Madness' Reunion

Yeah--I also used to always see this movie in the early /mid-eighties.They showed it on cable repeatedly and I would watch most of it every time I saw it listed.It's funny how simple and almost carefree times were back then.It's a little corny and stiffly acted in parts-but back then we didn't know any better.

Now it's still fun seeing it (after maybe 20 years for me)remembering many of the scenes.Totally cheesy ,silly fun from the 80's that they just don't make anymore.Makes you miss those simpler times.

They should have some type of "Midnight Madness" reunion--that would be great.I looked on the Imdb--some stopped acting in the eighties and never became bigger stars.Some are still around.Michael J Fox,David Naughton,Eddie Deezen.I haven't seen Stephen Furst lately but I think he's still around.Andy Tennant(Melio)is a director now(couldn't believe it)and some of the others(Sal Lopez and Brian Frishman[Blade and Barf on the Blue Team)-Those big twin girls ,the Red Team girl leader(Maggie Roswell) and Debra Clinger.That would be great if there was a cult movie demand for it.


A reunion would be so much fun. Check out the actor who plays Blade - he hasn't aged at all!


Joel Kenney, who played Flynch, was wanted for child molestation in the 1990s. His case was profiled in the syndicated show "Prime Suspect", sort of a half hour "America's Most Wanted"-type show.

I think he was arrested and serving a long stretch in prison currently.


I saw the actor who played 'Blade' in 2002 in the Culver City Trader Joe's I was working at at the time. He looked like he hadn't aged a day. Incredible.


Oh, btw... There was some type of reunion that was filmed in the last 5-10 years that had Eddie Deezen and the writer/directors talking and reminiscing abt the movie. Search on YT and I'll bet you'll find it.


It was barely an reunion . They had a screening of the movie and one of the two directors was there, David Wechter and also Alan Solomon (he played Leon) and Eddie Deezen , who played one of the members of the white team.
