MovieChat Forums > Midnight Madness (1980) Discussion > What scenes made you laugh the most?

What scenes made you laugh the most?

For whatever reason, I laughed hardest at this part:

It's where they're in the cafe with giant-melons waitress. They're trying go get her attention and it gets increasingly urgent - could we have more coffee; there's a cockroack in my water; drop the plate of food; then dude goes:

Oh Miss.....CRASH...he rakes *everthing* off the table! hahaha that makes me laugh just thinking about it


That is a GREAT scene. VERY funny! I

Some of the parts that make me laugh (to this day) are "fagabeefe", "hey Armpit, be careful." "I am being careful!" *leans on glass case, knocks over glass cases*, and when Leon's spy from the airport calls him and says his first team has been there, and he scoffs and says, "Bunch of skinny kids with glasses" all while his buddies are whistling at women walking by.


I forgot one. When Harold dedides to cheat in the mini golf game and that letter pops up and he hands it to Barf and says, "Read it outloud".

Barf reads:

"Dear Team, I told you not to cheat. Now if you wanna fuh-find the clue you have to start all over. Love, Leon *Barf gets exhited and laughs*. P.S. You lost your ball."


nothing beats Barfs facial expression while playing the piano,lmao!!!


Yes!!! I loved Leon's spies, hanging out at the airport posing at Hari Krishnas! Irving, the head 'Krishna', scratching his bald-head wig!

Another funny scene was when Blade didn't want to go through airport security because of his huge knife!


Fagabefe kills me to this day. Sometimes I email a friend and all it says is fagabefe


When, at the Pabst Brewery, Blaylak passes out on the cardboard stand-up thing that says "Summer Starts Here". Every time...

Also when Barf is trying to figure out all the "E" sounds and Harold gets annoyed and flings the bundle of wires/cord at him. The expression on Barf's face is funny, like he thinks it came out of the roof at him.

"We gotta go to the crappy town where I'm a hero!"


The line that makes me laugh to this day-and which I use on my mooching dogs regularly-is Melio's response to Harold, who had just whispered: "Are there any cookies left?", and Melio, knowing a loud response will wake up Harold's girlfriend and get Harold in trouble, yells back: "NO, HAROLD, THERE AREN'T ANY COOKIES LEFT!!!"


Just reading through everyone's responses made me laugh! Now I need to watch Midnight Madness (again). Discostu044: I wish someone would email me and all it would say would be "fagabefe". Your friends are SO lucky! LMAO.

Another really funny part is when they all go to Leon's apartment, and Adam looks down at the bowl of snacks, and Harold grabs the bowl and moves it to the other side of his body so Adam can't have any. He's also scowling at Adam while doing it. That would be so much fun to do to somebody you dislike!


I remember one episode of Robot Chicken, during one of the early seasons where they did a couple of brief bits...they did the "LEEEE-OON!" entrance, and "FAGABEFE?"


Eddie Deezen exclaiming that he has a mean machine between his legs while riding a moped inside of the hotel lobby.
Dirk Blocker in the giant vat of beer.

I've been chasing grace/ But grace ain't easy to find
