MovieChat Forums > McVicar Discussion > Very good music

Very good music

As with all The Who produced films of the 70s, the music in McVicar is no exception. As with Quadrophenia a year before, The Who managers once again to make the music fit the scenes. The film overall is a very enjoyable tough Brit film, but it is helped by the music that pounds through it and a great central performance from Roger Daltrey. I saw this firstly on video in the early 80s and I thought it was pretty tough then. It still holds up quite well now. I was looking on the imdb, as we all do, and I clicked on the name of the actor who played his son Russel. It seems that this is the only thing he ever did. I thought to myself, I wonder what he's up to these days, but it seems we'll never know. Infact, I've hardly seen alot of any of the actors on TV in recent years, though there are a few faces we see now and again pop up in films or very rare TV dramas. Anyway, overall, McVicar rounds off The Who's trilogy of films that they were connected to in the 70s/1980. And all of them are classics in their own right. I highly recommend the three Who films - Tommy, Quadrophenia and McVicar.


I agree I am watching it right now as it happens on the SUNDANCE channel it is pretty engrossing, it recalls SCUM with Ray Winstone with a touch of The LOng Good Fridy and a bit of the KRAYS in the narrative. Daltrey's charisma helps immensely.


The music is good and the acting is fine in a cockney gangster genre type of way. It did well on its cinema release.

Its that man again!!
