MovieChat Forums > The Man Who Saw Tomorrow Discussion > Terror Terror Terror. Who is the powerfu...

Terror Terror Terror. Who is the powerfull villan ?.

Ok!, i saw the movie way back in 1998, couldn't get it now. From what i remember. The sence Orson wells says, "Third world war....powerfull villan............There will be terror terror terror. ect ect.

When i saw the movie in 1998 i thought the villan was Saddam Hussain, After 9/11 i thought it was Osama Bin Laden. Now that Saddam Hussain is caught and Osama Bin Laden is dead, think he is, even if he is alive he could not do anything. So who is the Villan ?.


So who is the Villan?

The Anti-Christ

Head of the One World Goverment.

The Bible says the wise will know for his number is 666.


Ralph Nader = the Villian!


osam is still alive. for crying out loud


President George W. Bush = 3rd Antichrist


Hahahahah they showed an arab/muslim because it was part of the brainwash intention of the documentary.
(same as when you see evil muslims in (united states)"american" movies).

Everyone who kills another human no matter the reason can be an "antichrist".

& of course Bush is fighting for the title like no other human being right now.




Osama Bin Laden no one knows for sure. Anyway we don't know who the villain is. There is one part at the end of the movie that needs to be addressed. According to Nostradamus what he predicted was only one possible future and man has the power to change it. Maybe we got lucky and its been changed. I've noticed that less of his predictions have come true. I was nervous all of 1999 cause supposedly we were supposed to be hit with nuclear weapons, New York specifically. Problem with Nostradamus predictions is alot of times he used cosmic events like planetary alignments that happen infrequently to say when an event would take place and according to the movie 1999 was the next time the planetary event would take place when New York was to be hit by a nuclear bomb but if they knew back in 1981 it would be 18 years until the planetary event happened again I'm sure it's going to be awhile til it happens again. Sometimes these alignments and stuff only happen once in someone's lifetime so New York may be safe for awhile.


First i thought it was Yasser Arafat, then Saddam Hussain and then Osama.
Now the first one is dead, the third is presummed dead, the second has been disabled.

So who is the villan. Come on it can't be Osama he is dead.


Just because Osama is presumed dead, doesn't mean he actually is. It's just as silly as something one of the heads of Homeland Security said a few years back. He said that he believed Osama Bin Laden was even though they have no proof to support whether he is dead or alive. We know he was alive recently cause he had mentioned in one of those tapes that surfaces every few months something about the London subway attacks, sure he could have recorded lots of tapes before dying but to mention something so specific and recent makes you think.


Just thought I would share something with you.

Back in 97/98 I was reading a magazine which had a pyshic coloum were readers could submit there questions.

This one reader asked the pyshic if Saddam Hussain was the third anti-christ, the pyshic replied saying that she has visioned the downfall of Saddam Hussain.

I never forgot that.

Anyway "The Man Who Saw Tommorrow" freaked me out when I seen it in the mid 90s and had to leave the radio going while trying to get to sleep. Because i was pretty freaked out.


I saw this 'documentary' for the first time today. The predictions about the attack on NY freaked me out. After a short research, I found some interesting interpretations. Seems like the Anticrist is someone that started his work (or was noticed) in 1991.

"(...)Osama was fed up with this almost house arrest situation and did not imagine himself able to stay in the country with the American forces around. One of his brothers was very close to King Fahad and also close to Prince Ahmed, deputy minister of interior. He convinced his brother that he needed to leave the country to sort out some business matters in Pakistan and come back. There was a difficult obstacle, the stubborn Prince Nayef, minister of interior. His brother waited until Nayef went in a trip outside the kingdom and extracted lifting the ban from prince Ahmed. When he arrived in Pakistan around April 1991 he sent a letter to his brother telling him that he is not coming back and apologized for letting him down with the royal family.
After his arrival to Pakistan he went straight to Afghanistan because he knew the Pakistani intelligence would hand him back to the Saudis. There, he attended the collapse of the communist regime and the consequent dispute between the Afghan parties. He spent great effort to arbitrate between them but with no success He ordered his followers to avoid any involvement in the conflict and told them it was a sin to side with any faction. During his stay the Saudis tried more than once to kidnap or kill him in collaboration with the Pakistani intelligence. His friends in the Saudi and Pakistani establishments would always leak the plan and make him ready for it. After his failure in sorting the Afghani dispute, he decided to leave Afghanistan. The only alternative country he had was Sudan. He left Afghanistan disguised in private jet only few months after his arrival. That was late 1991."

If you analyze the global conjuncture today you can see that there are some more predictions coming into place. For instance, the nuclear crisis at Iran and the alignment Iran/Russia. This brings Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as another subject that can be the villan. But I think Osama is more entitled, since Nostradamus calls the guy as a prince. Besides that, several of the prophecies are about hunger, pests and natural disasters. Could it be about climate changes? AIDS?

If I was american or european I would be very very concerned about this. I live in Brazil and at least I think I'll not be directly nuked! Well, that could be a lot worst in fact. :)

I like the good news at the end, when America will prevail and the world will live a 1000 years of peace.

Another cool documentary is about the Bible Code. An israeli mathematic found a prediction coded in the bible about a nuclear holocaust to happen this year.

By the way. I'm sceptic and non believer. ;)


At forty-five degrees the sky will burn,
Fire to approach the great new city:
In an instant a great scattered flame will leap up,
When one will want to demand proof of the Normans.

flight 175 hit the south tower of the world trade center at an angle of 45 degrees

the new city is New York City

a great scattered flame burst out after flight 175 hit the south tower of the world trade center


the 3rd anitchrist is called "Mabus" but Nostradamus sometimes plays with words or anagrams or just sees it alittle off.Like in the case of Napoleon he called him Napuleon and Hitler Hifler pretty scary yes.But who is Mabus? play with his name and find some freaky answers George W Bush=W Bush=M Bus-Mabus (nostradomus sometimes saw M's as flipped unpside down "W's and vice versa) Could our president inadverently lead us to nuclear war? or the events leading to it? its quite possible look at the world today.
2 other Mabus names
Usama Bin Laden=Usama b=Usaam b=MaabUs=Mabus?


Mahmoud Abbas ?

also, Negroponte is in his quatrains. could that refer to John Negroponte?
century 2 quatrain 3


3rd Antichrist = Marilyn Manson!!!


Don't even need to read this thread to know that someone was probably like, "zOMG BUSH is teh antiChrist!11!!"

And since 9/11 seems to have come into it, you can cue the dude telling us the important information that it was a "zOMG inside job!1!11"



Ahmadimajad(sp?)President of Iran, I think of him every time, I hear a reference to the Antichrist.



Justin Bieber--------


it's mulla omar the leader of taliban and the leader of ben laden, but he also died! taliban leaders are known for their blue turbans, ben laden wore white one, baghdadi wear black one, the new taliban leader now wear blue turban. some how the prophecy mixed 2 or three people in one, ben laden, omar and baghdadi. you may find the movie in daily motion, it's still amazing.


The villain is now ISIS. The prediction of WWIII seems scarily prophetic.
