The Ending WTF!! (Spoilers)

That was by far the cheapest cop out ending I have ever seen in a horror film......... EVER...


Agreed. It basically said "we have no idea how to end this movie so let's just turn off the lights and go home."

Your Favorite Band Sucks.


I saw that movie in a "bad horror movie" festival in Montreal. The ending got a standing ovation... yes, really.

It's so bad that it's good... You know, it's a pacman phenomenon.

// Overall, I'm a bad person.


I love the ending

I'm not a lady I'm an anthropologist



At first I though it was going end really bad where he wakes up like it was all a dream only to have his wife (who was sleeping next to him) turn out to be a zombie who then attacks and kills him. A cliche that has long since been beaten to death.

I actually thought the ending he went with was actually very good. Sort of leaving you wondering if it was all a dream or not. What's so bad about that?
