Does Patty go to Hell?

Just after the earthquake Patty is saying she wants the mark. This happens before the soldiers and the guy with the sideburns leave. Since she decided to take the mark, and still died (in a very scary, dramatic scene) did she end up in Heaven or Hell?


I only saw this particular movie in the set once and I was very young so I don't remember much...but didn't she end up not taking the Mark, then dying? I guess if she took it first, she would have gone to Hell.

-- Leet.

~ Gíñä ®ïl€ÿ ¡§  GødÐes§! ~


Well...she never accepted Jesus as her savior before she was overcome by the guillotine but at the same time I always thought that by her saying she wanted the mark was basically the same thing as getting it. Either way she was screwed so yeah I'd say she went to hell.

I don't speak whatever.



Aside from people wanting to make excuses for the jackass nature of god in this end times junk, the fact is that Patty did indeed go to hell. Accepting the mark is not a literal action, rather, an action of the heart. She gave in instead of being strong like god expected (to hell with circumstances), so she pays the price.

This junk makes me laugh anyhow, for in reading scripture, it is apparent that the mark and it's damnation effect is more of a spiritual matter and not some silly ass barcode you are walking around with. Christians, their fear of technology and their fear of world peace...what can I say?

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If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?



This junk makes me laugh anyhow, for in reading scripture, it is apparent that the mark and it's damnation effect is more of a spiritual matter and not some silly ass barcode you are walking around with. Christians, their fear of technology and their fear of world peace...what can I say?

You're so dumb it hurts and it kills me that you said you were a Christian before. But here you are finding it ridiculous at how Christians can be so fearful of technology and world peace like there is no bad side and trick to it all. You sir, have not been taught enough on Bible prophecy. At what makes you come off as even more stupid is that you had to have seen these movies where they explain why it makes sense for Christians to feel this way. If the mark of the beast is a physical thing it, while it may come off as some silly barcode that seems harmless, it would represent something that could lose a person their salvation to live in heaven and peace forever and send them to the lake of fire for all eternity. The whole world peace is a trick to lure people to following the antichrist who is actually not trying to do right by the world or people's salvation. So what is there NOT to fear here again if all of this stuff does happen? Nothing. You really need to wake up.


I asked the same question to friends of mine in church and they all had the same answer. She went to Hell. Accepting the mark (while not literally receiving it) is the same as choosing satan as your lord over Christ. These being the last words she spoke before dying, she made hell her eternal home.


She not only went to hell, but she literally went to hell in a hand basket---or at least her head did, after the guillotine blade fell down on her.

She was a very stupid girl---I remember the scene in the movie preceding this one, when she is chased by the two men from UNITE...First she DOES have the guts to take one of the automatic weapons one of the UNITE men leaves behind when he jumps into the river, but then she stands there for quite some time visibly and obviously fighting with it...So she then asks the guy who is staring right at her "How do you work this thing, anyway?" Like, he is going to tell her how to shoot him dead....Then, she is somehow able to force the second UNITE man to drop his weapon, which she takes (okay, that was smart)...BUT THEN, she runs into the barn, and carefully lays both of them down on the ground right by the door, even though both of the UNITE men are close behind her...

Guess she wanted to make sure they'd find them without too much trouble, especially because she's about to get the UNITE van she's trying to steal stuck in a mud puddle, before she even gets out of the driveway...Her OWN driveway, btw...

SIGH...yes, Patty went to hell, and she deserved to...She also should have visited her grandmother more often...Also a reason to go to hell, but not as bad as the rifle/van stealing fiasco...

What a dork.


Yes, because she never accepted Jesus as her Saviour.

Explained better in "Left Behind" book series, which does accept the idea of some "taking no mark" (not taking Beast's mark, and not also accepting Jesus as saviour) even at worst of Tribulation due to sheer obduracy. The Bible however is quite clear that to go to Heaven, one MUST accept Jesus as Saviour and Lord.


After all her efforts throughout these first 2 movies, she was so silly not to make a little more effort and raise her head up a little just until the blade had fallen.

She would've had a real sore neck but at least she would've lived to tell the tale!


Yes, Patty went to hell, she chose the mark even though she didn't get it. Anything done up to the time of the mark could be forgiven if she repented, but once she chose to take the mark, there was no going back.


Hell...the rapture happened, all left behind were doomed for hell, so yea Patty did end up in hell (and if you believe in hell, demons and that stuff..oh well)


Yes, Patty went to Hell. She died without accepting Jesus into her heart, and without Him there is no way to heaven.

I really liked the character of Patty in the first movie, but her stubbornness - some might say thick headedness - began to grate on me. The evidence for what was happening was overwhelming, and she had several people sharing the Truth with her, but she still held out. I understand the filmmakers’ intent, though, and I don’t always need a happy ending.
