Some actor clarifications

Okay, there were some arguments about who plays the weird brother with the strange hair who becomes the practice punching bag for Gordon Liu. At first, I thought it was Dean Shek Tin, but now I'm convinced that the actor is Lam Fai Wong. His hair might be all screwed up, but he's one fit actor!

The bald monk with gold who I guess plays a cameo (I'm too lazy after being up all night to do yet another Google search) is uncredited actor To Wing Leung.

Yeung Ching Ching plays the sword- wielding chick who gets offed very early in the film.

Lee King Chue plays the compatriot of Gordon's, who also gets hacked early on.

Hsiao Ho is one of two bodyguards seen accompanying Priest White Lotus (Lo Lieh). In one scene, Hsiao stands to the left, while San Sin stands to the right, in a colorful shot where the priest stands, watching Gordon Liu battle (at 39:09 into the DVD). Hsaio apparently dies first near the end of the movie.

Cheng Miu plays the shop owner where Gordon and Kara find refuge.
