How does it end?

Okay, I have this dvd, but I was watching it during a storm, and right in the middle of the chase scene, the power went out. So then, when my dad (I live with my parents because I'm 13, just so you know) went to go fix the fusebox, he wanted me to hold the flashlight. So, we went in the basement, and we fixed it up, but when I came back into my room, my little brat of a step brother stomped on my dvd. And now I would like to know, how does this movie end?

Why are you reading my signature?


Well it's a little vague since I forget the character's names, but basically the killer is trapped inside the morgue. Scardino and the girl run outside as the cops get there, and he tells them that the guy is inside. Then they cut to the wedding, and she is marrying Scardino instead of whoever she was engaged to at the beginning of the film. And then they restage the murder of the cop's wife-to-be, only now its the main girl and her ex. She asks him what he is doing there, then screams as he presumably lunges. end film.


Everything is correct, except she doesn't scream.

Lets put a SMILE on that face!


Yes she does. There is a freeze-frame and you hear her scream.

I'm the saddle.


Your brother has good taste. If only he got to the DVD before you started watching it.

"Worthington, we're being attacked by giant bats!"
