MovieChat Forums > He Knows You're Alone (1980) Discussion > Sorry...Fun is fun but This was just dre...

Sorry...Fun is fun but This was just dreadful..

Even for a bad 80's slasher...There were some okay bits toward the middle, but the end completely lost steam.

The killer was hysterical...He killed all those women...I don't think they were all getting married!

I blame the Director, it could have been good(even with a bad script and some of the most under-developed characters in slasher history) But he just didn't make anything exciting enough. The lack of music really hurt the film, and the acting.

Everything about it was just tiresome.

"See it with someone you love...Go by yourself"


I agree, the movie just was badly paced and it was a chore to sit through. I don't understand why this movie has become a cult classic. Very overrated (6 out of 10).

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Yeah, I just forced myself to sit through this. I know stupidity of victims and suspension of disbelief is something you have to accept when watching a slasher flick, but this was a chore to get through. At least I can say I saw one of Tom Hanks' first films.

Jezebel! Flauntin' your flesh in temptation's raiment! You will burn. Oh you will burn!


"I know stupidity of victims and suspension of disbelief is something you have to accept when watching a slasher flick, but this was a chore to get through."

Oh boy, I definitely know that feeling of "chore to sit through". And unfortunately, ZI can't do a Roger Ebert and just walk out of a bad movie. I have to "complete" the viewing experience no matter what. It's a quirk in my character that works against myself when I get burned with these movies.

The thing about these awful movies is you just know the producers didn't really care if the audience would like it or not. They just wanted a quick buck.

Live Full & Die Empty. Tap Your Potential and Realise Your Dreams!


I wouldnt call this bad per se, but i didnt like it that much. I also think this one takes the cake, for being the biggest Halloween rip-off :P


Hey at least the opening was proto Scream 2!
I can see why some wouldn't like it, but I like stuff about it. It isn't bad, just not the best the 80's slasher boom had to offer.
