Invasion Force?

When the movie was first broadcast on t.v. didn't they change the title to "Invasion Force"?
I've never seen a version under the name, but I do know for a fact they did it. I've also heard that they changed the alien ship completely.
Has anyone ever seen it as "Invasion Force"?

Great minds run in the same channel, and fools think alike.


Yes I remember it broadcast in the early 80's on tv as Invasion Force. I saw this in the theater in 1980 as a young child and loved it. Then when a commercial came on a couple years later advertising Invasion Force, I was like "no way! That's Hangar 18!" I want to say it had some different visuals and a few reordered scenes. I could be wrong. I hope your curiosity after four years of someone else remembering this helps. :-)
