MovieChat Forums > Guyana Tragedy: The Story of Jim Jones (1982) Discussion > Members who were killed for leaving the ...

Members who were killed for leaving the People's Temple

I remember the very first movie with Stuart Whitman playing Jim Jones. or james Johnson for that matter. "Guyana cult of the damned".
I seem to remember several people being killed early on in the process of leaving the People's temple when it was first discovered that there was trouble if you didn't want to belong.
Some people took this poor man and threw him onto the railroad tracks and had a train run him over. And in another instance, this other kid was beaten and his house was burned with him in it.
I don't know if these were factual events or not. But later on, I'm sure it got worse.


When the shootings first ocurred at City Hall in San Francisco on Nov 27 1978 the cops at first though it was a sleeper Cell from people's temple retaliating for the death of jim jones. Later on religious right called SF the resurrection of Sodom and Glockamorrah


"Sodom and Glockamorrah"

Inadvertent hilarity.

"I don't deduce, I observe."


These were early made films and things that never happened will be included because not a lot of information is out. One scene in the made for tv movie showed a man killed in an explosion in the series. Also many characters were composites of real life characters and not using real names. The mass death scene is a fine example where it shows people being shot to death in the Jonestown property which didn't happen. Only one to have any gunshots was Jones himself. Also the shooting at the airport was another one where it based on sensationalism. Concerned relatives didn't get killed. It was the congressman, and members of the press and one defector whose character maybe played by Brenda Vaccarro.


There were some people shot at the landing strip who didn't die such as Jackie Spier, an aid to Congressman Ryan and now a Congresswoman. She faked dead. Some people did manage to escape in the bush. And there were 2 people at the pavillion who died from gunshots--Jim Jones and a nurse. It's assumed they shot themselves or were shot by a security person after the masses drank/were injected with the poisoned drink.


They never did autopies or examaned alot of the bodies only 7 had been autopsied a know spelling is wrong anyway some witness in tbe jungle heard gunshots we will never really know what happened
