On YouTube

You can see this on the YouTube channel "80shorrormovies". If you know the YouTube community, then you know movies usually do not stay up long, so watch it while the window of opportunity is open.

If you love and support Michael Jackson 100%, copy & paste this into your signature. We love MJ!


Thanks so much for the notice. I saw it about 2 weeks ago. As usual, it can't even touch the book, but does stick pretty closely to the goings on within. I read the book when I was 20, and LOVED it. Why I never hung onto it, I cannot fathom. I'M sure SOMEDAY I'll get my hands on a copy. Ah, to live and dream!

Book = 10/10
this film = 6.5/10

Happy viewing, everybody!


I have the VHS. I still have a video player with a DVD player so I'm all set


"I have the VHS. I still have a video player with a DVD player so I'm all set ."--Restless Yuppie

I'm always fascinated by how the VHS format has stubbornly refused to go. The entertainment industry seems determined to double dip and then dip again by creating new formats ,and VHS owners are not buying it! I think it's great!

BTW, I also have a VHS/DVD combo player. I have NOT invested in Blu-Ray and I have no intention of doing so!

If you love and support Michael Jackson 100%, copy & paste this into your signature. We love MJ!


I still record on my VCR, even though I have a DVD recorder. It's just easier.



When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


I saw this creepy little number back in 1980 on my local grindhouse in Puerto Rico on a double-bill with that same year's THE CHILDREN (the one about the evil kids with the scorching fingers). The ticket back then was about three dollars. The good ol' times...


by eagle79-1 4 hours ago (Thu Jan 6 2011 05:25:44) Ignore this User | Report Abuse


I saw this creepy little number back in 1980 on my local grindhouse in Puerto Rico on a double-bill with that same year's THE CHILDREN (the one about the evil kids with the scorching fingers). The ticket back then was about three dollars. The good ol' times...

My response:

Wow, that's a good line up!

Yeah, I remember the eighties when one could have half a day of entertainment with a double or triple feature for less than ten dollars (that would include the pop corn and a soda) at a local grindhouse. That era is long gone unfortunately.

If you love and support Michael Jackson 100%, copy & paste this into your signature. We love MJ!


Been taken down


Nope. It's up again.


Still up
