anyone seen this?

im really sounds interesting and i once saw a trailer for this movie and it looked scary. dunno where im gonna find a copy of it though.

"and we were ready for a bit of the old...ultraviolence"


I saw it when I was a kid. The video store by my house had tons of obscure ols horror movies on VHS. I totally took it for granted. I can never find them now.
I was really scary as I recall but I was probably only 10 or 11. I always find Brithish movies scarier. They've made lots of movies with a similar plotline since and I always think of this one as the original. The little girl is super creepy.



There is a video store near my house that is selling off all of their old VHS tapes and I saw The Godsend in thier horror section. Is it worth spending $5 on this movie? The movie doesnt have its original case so it would look a little out of place in my VHS collection just being in a plastic case with no cover. I cant decide if I want to get this because so many people reviewed it as terrible and a ripoff.

"Someday a real rain will come and wash all the scum off the streets."


I really wish that they'd release this to dvd I really like the movie....


i thought i was pretty good.. i have it on tape.. too bad they havent released this on dvd. i thought that angela pleasance and the little girls who played bonnie were scary enough. till then we will just have to wait...


This movie is just as scary as the book, and it affects you on so many levels.
There's the horror of a parent having to bury a child (and in this case, multiple children), plus the realization that your child is unquestionably "evil" (because they do love the little girl as their own.)Then to see a child commit multiple murders...of other children! The Bad Seed just doesn't compare to this film.


I read the book long before I even knew there was a movie. The movie stayed pretty much faithful....but the book made you think more...very haunting...finally found a copy of the book at a yardsale and have re-read it a number of times....the story just kind of stays with you. You should really read the bood and let yourself be open to the premise.


It's been three years since your posts, so you've probably already seen this or decided not to. I also found a cheap copy from a video store, but I paid about $1.50. I can't say it was worth it.

The box art is cool, but the movie's very dull. The acting is lackluster, and the film relies on talking more than action. I don't mind dialogue-heavy films -- in fact, I often prefer them -- but it seems like they used dialogue here as a crutch so they wouldn't have to direct significant scenes.

And the girl was just not very scary. In fact, she was rather cute!


I still havent gotten around to watching the movie haha

"Someday a real rain will come and wash all the scum off the streets."


Well, you've waited three years, you might as well wait a few more. I can't say it'll be worth the wait. I saw this a few months ago, and I've managed to forget most of it. Watch "Taxi Driver" again instead, and tell 'em Travis sent you!


I've seen this. I have the VHS. Fortunately, I have a video and dvd player so I can still watch movies that are only available on vhs as well as dvd.


I have it on VHS too, and I watch a lot more movies on tape than on DVD because they're so cheap and available.


i made this thread 4 years ago and i STILL havent found a copy of this movie, dammit! any news on a DVD release yet?

"Someday a real rain will come and wash all the scum off the streets."


Link to view online. Loved it as a kid, but not sure how effective it is now-a-days.


I just watched this film. I thought it was quite spooky and unsettling. The evil little girl was damn creepy. Angela Pleasence was likewise quite memorable and quietly sinister in her brief appearance as a mysterious pregnant woman.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!


Saw this during my first year or so of college, when my sister forced me to watch it with her as she was afraid to watch alone. Can't rave enough about this movie! Excellent casting, wonderful acting, so scary it made my sister scream, without any schlocky or gory effects, just a great story well told. Don't know why this has not received a whole lot more attention--I only ever saw or even heard of it the one time.
