Sorry I was SO wrong

I remember watching this movie when I was younger
and I was laughing my ass off. But when last year
when I turn 21 this was on tv and I convinced all
my room mates and friends to watch it.

It wasa not funny at all, as a matter of fact
it is a pretty crap movie with bud dubbing and
stupidslapstick jokes that is so not funny.

i.e. man running out of his jeep trying to open
the fence without stopping his engine, falling over
sixty times and does it agian and agian.

the ONLY thing I found amusing and smart was the intro


You have to watch it with the mindset that it was made like 25 years ago. I can't enjoy a Jack Lemmon/ Walter Mattheu comedy, for example, without getting into their time period. Once you do, you can enjoy it from the appropriate time frame of reference. There are a lot of slapstick rubbish comedies that still get made today e.g. White Chicks. If the dubbing is poor please don't blame the movie, blame who ever decided that it needed to be dubbed for the American market. You do need a bit of an "international" outlook to enjoy movies like this. The movie not impressing a bunch of 21-year olds does not surprise me - try again when you're like 40.


It might make a difference who you are and experiences and such.
I laugh at this movie because I am Hebrew-American, and I visited El Salvador (my girlfriend's home country) and I dealt with the same things the main character did. It was a completely Fish-out-of-water situation and it makes me laugh when I watch this movie.

Not to meantion, I'm just as clumbsy as the main character.



This educational opinion coming from someone with THAT screen name?

Basically your saying that "OLDER, MATURE audiences don't find this film humurous" when your name is "igetmore*****thantampax". Sorry fellow, you have to ACTUALLY BE more mature to make that kind of observation.


I too really enjoyed it when I first watched it like 20 years ago.
Now I still appreciate it because I like Nichau (uumm.. spelling might be wrong).


Actually, I thought it was funny because it was so cheesy. The crappy dubbing and the bad special effects only made it funnier.

"Oh, just gone and done the dumbest thing in your whole life..."


I agree, maiira, I like slapstick, and I thought it was kind of cute...


Everyone! This is just a movie! Plus, it's way better than any other comedy so far. You experience other cultures, and how others see it as. You begin to question it yourself. My mum is S. African so I was introduced into this culture awhile ago. I'm 20 now, but I've watched this movie more than 10 years ago. It may not be so *beep* hilarious, but it's a good laugh.


well ive watched this movie like a hundred times and still laugh like ive seen it for the first time. yeah it was slapstick but remember that was 25 years ago. i dont really critisize a movie when im watching one, i just enjoy it. but i do love the gods must be crazy 1 & 2.


Im totally opposite, I only kinda liked this movie when I was younger, but I LOVE it now. The slapstick is classic, the whole movie is classic if you ask me.

Also, I too watched it with a group of my 21 yr old friends, and we all LOVED it! One guy was laughing so hard at everything N!xau did.


What makes this movie good is just how genuine it seems. The slapstick is a little over the top, but if it wasn't it wouldn't be funny. Mainly the characters are so relatable, like in the way they respond to situations... it doesn't feel scripted at all. Like when the truck rolls down the hill, and Steyn gives up chasing, he just sort of stands there with his hand on his head waiting for it to come back, and they show the whole thing. What else would one do in such a situation? Typical hollywood movies would never bother with details like that; they just have tight editing and jump from line to action to line, and never try to convince you that you aren't watching a movie. I'd without hesitation rank this in the top 100 movies ever made (not just as a comedy).


I agree, Calgary. Has to rate in the top 100 all-time movies. Certainly in my personal list.

I don't usually like to watch a move more than once, but must have seen The Gods...10 times. Whenever I find someone who hasn't seen it, we arrange a video night.

I think whoever introduced the word 'genuine' is on the right track. There is a sweet purity about the little Bushman. He always acts by his code of conduct/ethics. Would that we were all so pure and predictable.


I see that now you are an adult (21 yrs old) and childish jokes are no longer your forte. I assume now you only attend movies of the day that only contain adult bathroom and sexual humor. Too bad.

This movie rates up with the Zucker&Zucker and Mel Brooks movies. It's amazing how humorous this movie is as it follows an underlying non-humorous thread.


ummm actually no.

if u are implying movies such as white chicks, scary movie, american pie.
u are dead wrong.

however I do like bad boys, rush hour, shanghai knights, the old mr bean series, bottom, and even Benny Hill


I can't, for the life of me, understand why you like Benny Hill, but not this movie.


hmmm.. I think Benny hill is classic
I used to watch it on cable when I was younger
and then I went to work and they were playing it.
I still found it funny (not everything though),
but I still enjoyed it.


I saw this one young, and I saw it older. This film is an irreplaceable classic!
