hilarious movie

It is amazing how much trouble one empty Coke bottle can cause. Good reason for litter control.

"We share the same biology regardless of ideology"-Sting, 1985


I agree every time I see this movie it just cracks me up, really different thats for sure, I remember the first time I saw it I thought it was a real documentary and i was like WTF is this but then i looked it up and saw it was a movie and just found the humor in it all.


Ever look at our own 'western' culture and think that maybe our ideas about the big things - god, or democracy, or country - are like coke bottles that fell into our laps and we don't understand them?


^ Good point!

I love this movie... I love Africa, how simple things can be. Sometimes the Western world drives me crazy because it's so fast-paced and complicated.

Oh for a Coke bottle to fall from the sky and knock some sense into us :)
