I liked.........

this movie. We had to watch it in school. The only thing I didn't like was how like when a car was driving, it would sudently speed up, like they put the cammera on fast forwared. That REALLY bugged me. But I really liked the story about the bushmen. It is interesting to think that there really are people out there who don't know what a coke bottle is!

Nico says, "Don't get your Undies in a bunch!"



My fave part is when the woman gets stuck in the thorn bushes. I lived in Botswana for a year and have gotten stuck in those bushes myself not to metion the fact you clothes hang outside to dry and when the wind picks up or a freakin baboon decides to run off with your clothes they get tangled in the thorns and at night you have to be careful because I have been swiped across the face with the thorns.

rational thought can be alot like denial
