
What's the kid doing now? Did he do much acting after Gloria. I can't remember the name of the character.


His name is John Adames, and he's never acted since. Poor kid. It was his first acting job, he shouldn't have been cast in such a large role.



I thought he made the whole movie and really did great.


i've read a ton of reviews and most of them say the kid sucked. i think he was great! he made the whole movie for me.

go go go


I thought the kid made the movie too. Can't believe he never acted again. I was so, so disappointed with the remake. I thought Sharon Stone was a good choice but it was terrible. Stone did not have the bravado of Rollins.

"smile. be happy"


i didn't like the remake either.

go go go


I didn't like the kid in the remake either. But John Adames' performance in the original was one of the better child perfomances by a mile. To bad he never worked again afterwards.



I didn't really find the kid to be awful, not that he's exceptional just that he's like any of Cassavetes' supporting characters and does his role just as well, not sure why people used the kid as a scape goat to bash this movie really.


I thought the kid was very realistic. Had he been a cute, charismatic little tyke, the way they cast kids for movies today, it wouldn't have been as effective.


I completely agree....I loved this kid...i'm the Man Gloria not you...and I love you to death Gloria.....


I also agree that John Adames played his role very well. His chemistry with Gena Rowlands made the film for me.


I also thought the kid was good, and someone Gena was able to play well against. The remake of this movie with Sharon Stone, BTW, sucked.

He's not on a street. HE'S FLYING ON ROOFTOPS! - "Batman Begins"


The kid was fantastic.
He didn't seem like an amateur.


Same here...I just caught this movie last night on TMC, and I LOVED it! The kid made the movie for me too, people were bashing the kid's performance and he got a Razzie award but I thought he did a GREAT job! DIdn't see the remake but the film was good from what I saw!

"I have a lot of energy. I'm a lot stronger than most people." -Rutger Hauer


Waahh, they nominated such young actors for Razzies? That's mean. No wonder he never acted again.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefsī²


the people who think John Adames was awful and got a razzie need to remember Laurance Olivier got a razzie the same year for The Jazz Singer. The kid is super in this movie. He wasn't a real actor though....the casting director's sister's neighbor...and he got the part out of something like 350 children.


What was up with the kids clothes? The dress shirt, bell bottom dress pants and dress shoes does not seem like something a kid in 1980 new york city would be wearing on a normal day. Especally being from a poor family. Don't most 6 year olds wear tennis shoes? Also why didn't she buy him some new ones with all that money when she had something new on everyday?


I thought his pants, shoes, hair were excellent. They said more than any psychological realism babbling.


I am shocked! I just watched "Gloria" for the very first time, and my first comment to my husband after it was over was, "That was the best performance I have ever seen by a child! Amazing!" And now I see that not only is he getting grief on the bulletin board, he also won the "Razzie" for worst supporting actor. That's what I love about movies--100 people see it, and they can all have 100 different opinions



I thought the kid was excellent in the role; he and Gena just clicked. However, I am disappointed he's never done another film. Does anyone know what became of him?


He was fantastic!! Loved him in this. I always thought he was a wonderful kid.

They blew up Congress!!!


Laurence Olivier got a razzie too the same year for The Jazz Singer. So the razzie means nothing.


I noticed that John Adames played bad, he was not natural. But he has a kind of charisma, he's extremely cute. But yeah, the acting sucked.


Personally, i don't think he acted badly, i think the problem is his character was written rather poorly. He was constantly making unfathomable leaps in what he was saying. Often i couldn't follow or understand how that dialog of his or another could follow the previous one. Sometimes pissed, sometimes happy, but overall i couldn't understand his state of mind. I don't know if it was made intentionally as an attempt to represent kid thinking, but yeah, couldn't follow his "thought process." Good movie though.


People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefsī²


I don't know if it is true but if you click on "Biography" link under his profile, it says:
Where Are They Now
(January 2004) manager Soho Billiards in New York City. And some page w/ this same info:


I must say that throughout the film, I feel the urge to strangle the kid several times.

But that doesn't mean that John Adam's performance is bad. It's the way the character is written. He isn't supposed to be an easily likable child, just as Gloria isn't an easily likable woman. But while we know that Gena Rowlands is a great actress and accept that she is acting, we somehow think that kid actors are just being themselves.
Also, we have seen a lot of unsympathetic protagonists in other films before and know that in the end they'll be coming around, but I for my part have not seen many (if any) unsympathetic leading kid characters (just think of Natalie Portman playing the same role in Leon ~ too cute).

I think the kid's performance was exactly the way Cassavetes wanted it to be.

Which doesn't change that I still want to strangle him...

"Your money's no good here, Mr. Torrance." - Lloyd


That kid rocked, how could he won a Razzie?

what? Sharon Stone did a remake?

I don't intend to be offensive, but I have to defend my opinions.


The kid was awful. Probably the worst performance ever by a child.


Not sure why people hate the kid, it seems many think he didn't live up to the heroic situation he was in, that he came off wimpy or a bit stupid. Well, the character's only, like, eight years old and his world has suddenly come tumbling down and his parents, brothers and sisters gunned out. Do you seriously expect him to stand up against the Mob? I think the scene where he calls out "I'm the Man" at Gloria was charmingly ironic, and his growing realization that she's all he has left to lean on was touching and convincing. He's not supposed to grasp the full import of what Gloria is doing.

After the revolution everything will be different. Your password is 'Giliap'!


Yes. A casting call was held in a disco with 350 children all together. The parents complained but the director wanted to find a kid who could hold their own in an intimidating situation. I think that Adames had exactly what Cassavetes was looking for.

Cassavetes as quoted in the book Cassavetes on Cassavetes:

"The kid is neither sympathetic nor non-sympathetic. He's just a kid. He reminds me of me, constantly in shock, reacting to this unfathomable environment. He was always full of excitement and wonderment as to what he was doing, trying to comprehend this fathomless story of a family being wiped out."



The kid was fantastic, I am completely shocked by the Razzie nomination... Must have been a total a**hole to even think of putting a little kid up for such an award.

He had a few wonderful moments that really stood out to me, when He and Gloria are in the cab crossing the bridge and she cracks him up in particular.
