6 degrees of Kevin Bacon

If you ever want to upset movie "purists" playing the game 6 degrees, this is a great one to use. I got some people real mad saying this movie right off the bat. Anything with Lori Singer, etc seems to upset them too.


This movie is a classic. I never understand why Hollywood and some of the actors who made it big treat the horror genre like an orphaned kitten. Jamie Lee Curtis is still pretty famous but is proud of her time on Halloween. Bacon seems alright with his role in Friday the 13th. They have no reason to be embarrassed.



^^ Butt Pirate! 


Rug Muncher


6 inches of Kevin Bacon...

Oh wait, that was 'Wild Things'


I always try to go through Friday the 13th to get to him but the only way I know how is to get to part two. I don't know of any other movies any of these actors have been in except that Adrienne King and Walt Gorney are both in 2. Stuart Charno is in 2 and he's in Christine so if I can get to that, I can get to Friday 13th Kevin Bacon.

I did sixty in five minutes once...


It is better than Arnold Schwarzenegger's first movie Hercules in New York (though I like it just cause it's funny)

1, 2 Freddy's coming for you. 3, 4 better lock your door.

