mrs voorhees murderer

Did most people work out that it was Mrs voorhees who was the killer when she pulled up in the jeep. Or did you have to wait until she revealed it, "I'm not afraid" as she tells Alice. Maybe she's wonder woman.


It never occurred to me she was the killer until I figured it out right along with Alice. The revelation of her being the one is what makes this movie for me. And the rest of it is pretty great, too.

Now, when I watch it again I wonder how I couldn't have known, but, I didn't.


I pretty much suspected it as her as soon as she showed. I figured It was her because who else could it be at that point? I figured she as there to think that Alice was now going to be safe and Pam was far too calm. Also, she drove the same jeep we saw earlier in the movie associated with the killings. I thought it was very obvious.


I thought that it was her son, Jason.


So, you thought that it was Jason driving the car in the beginning and taking the hitchhiking girl with him before killing her?


Yes, I did.


And this wasn't suspicious to you in the least? A deformed freak who never says a word and who is mentally retarded
a) drives a car
b) provokes no reaction whatsoever from the girl that hitchhikes with him?


I have only seen part 2- 3 and 4 and not part one back in the 80's - One night, the first Friday was playing very late on tv and I only caught the ending of when Jason jumps out of the lake to grab Alice (scare the hell out me) - I always thought it was a young Jason movie doing the killing in part one until years later when I re-watch the first Friday the 13th and it was the mother.


I always thought we were supposed to think it was Steve. Both drove Jeeps, Steve wasn't around during the murders, etc.

I did sixty in five minutes once...


when pam tells Alice that she's not afraid to go and look at mutilated bodies does she give the game away. Either that, or she's on something amazing.


I thought it was Steve the first time I saw it. At least I think I did? Mrs. Voorhees arrival really took me off-guard.




Her being the killer was spoiled for me by a masked robed knifeman who was torturing Casey Becker over the phone and using a voice changer...



I knew it when she showed up..

