MovieChat Forums > Foxes (1980) Discussion > Could have been so much better

Could have been so much better

I saw this tonight and although I had high hopes, I was disappointed. I was expecting something along the lines of Little Darlings (a far superior film IMHO)

First off, I HATE that annoying 70's filter that makes so many films of that era have a hazy look to them...everything is in soft focus.

Next, the actors. Jodie turned in a sold performance as usual, as did Cherie Currie and Scott Baio, but the others were sadly forgettable.

Lastly, their was no story or plot. You can't even really call it a character study because none of the girls were really interesting. I could spot the one dramatic event a mile before it happened. Did anyone doubt Annie was gonna get either raped, O.D or die some other way???

I wondered if I was being too hard on the film...perhaps I was looking at it through 2011 eyes instead of 1980 when it came out...but I'm not. The film is just boring. I recently watched The Children's Hour from 1961 and it still holds up today. It still held my attention and I had seen it before.

I'm sure there are many of you that like the film, and that's each his/her own. But personally, I was disappointed.

"This is a faithful saying...Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief."
