MovieChat Forums > Foxes (1980) Discussion > I adore this movie!

I adore this movie!

This movie was funny!


Really- I thought it was pretty depressing at the end when Annie dies in the accident.


I think it had enough sadness and funnyness to make it great. i loved the jokes, but i also liked how it didnt seem so fake. how tragedy does occur.



You really didn't think it seemed fake? I thought that was the worst acting from big name actors i've ever seen in my life. I hated this movie, it was so cliche it made me cringe.


I love this movie, but I listen up when people say they don't like it.

One of my best friends, who normally loves the same movies, thought it was hogwash and the girls idiotic. I thought Sally Kellerman's acting a bit hysterical (even for the role she was playing), Jodie's father's part was badly written, and I really doubt Cherie's character would hang out with these other girls so much. You have to take the Randy Quaid liason (and marriage !) with the plain chubby girl on faith. (Though I admire Randy's acting more than I do in his other stuff). The death scene moving into the sad-music wedding scene was painfully obvious & corny. Some people I know thought it veered too awkwardly between high drama and cutesy comedy (they really hated Jodie and Cherie's dramatic hillside fight).

Then why is it one of my top 5 movies of all time ? Maybe because for the most part the girls talk and act like normal teenage girls circa the time period unlike most films before then,(or lately) ? I thought Jodie was great and the young newcomer girls very talented. Also they showed a rough and tumble side to teenagers (esp. the rowdy party) that was never really touched upon before. Over The Edge was far more hardier, so to speak, but that wasn't about teens in Los angeles.


YES that hillside fight just did it for me. It reminded me of overdramatic stage acting. I'm glad you like it though and after reading around i notice that i am one of few who didnt like it. I was born in 85 though so this was before my time, maybe thats why i couldnt connect with it. Kudos to you for not bashing me.


I liked it for the death at the end. i was sitting there thinking "shes definately gonna survive." but i was really surprised that she died. i also liked it because it had robert romanus and jodie foster in it. it was semi corny, but to me its better than most sh*t today.




I think people, ultimately, like movies like this because they create nostalgia. I remember really liking this movie in my early teens. I just watched it and couldn't remember why. The acting was mediocre. The storyline average. Nevertheless, it captures a memorable time in my life. I get the same effect when I watch Saturday Night Fever or Flashdance, not great movies but they bring you back.

"smile. be happy"


this movie was hilarius


I definitely wouldn't characterize this film as "hilarious" or "funny", but I must say I loved it. It's also in my top 5. I appreciated it for the acting of Foster, the way the main parts are written somewhat realistically for the teen era of that period, the nostalgia (although it is a bit before my time...I was only about 6 when it was released, but saw it for the first time when I was around early to mid teens, so it does create those memories for me) and the fact that it tried to deal honestly, sometimes tragically, with the feelings, confusion, and sex lives of teenagers. It carried a feeling of isolation throughout the movie...and lonliness and separation from the adult world and society...that's what these girls, like so many young girls, are feeling during those critical years. Yes, it's probably been portayed better and less over the top in some other films, but I thought it did its job very well, and Foster has said it's one of the very rare films she made as a teenager that she believed was accurate for what she was really going through at that age. That's a high compliment coming from an intelligent person and actress like her.

"It's alligator, darlin'"


I don't think it was intended to be a comedy.
