Technical first?

I have no idea why I remember this.....but did this movie have one of those 'West Wing' walking and talking scenes up an endless circular stairway? Wasn't this one of the first uses of the counterbalanced 'handheld' camera rigs that we see so often now?


yes it did. I thought about that while watching the scene. I thought it was amazing that Scott and the other actor were to do all that in one take. Apparently the West Wing the West Wings long takes with no cuts orginated with "A Few Good Men" but the was probably the Formula was probably one of the first times it was used.


I watched a director's commentary of this movie on DVD and when they got to that scene they actually called it a steadicam shot. I don't know if that term was actually being used back in 1980, but that's what they called it.


That shot was beautifully done. Very fluid.
