Chinese Ghostclaw

This is one of my alltime favorite kung-fu movies. You can see the beginnings of Yuen's brilliance. His movies would get more polished later but this one is a diamond in the rough.

We deal in lead, Friend.


This movie is truly amazing to say the least. Ping proves himself again and again with each movie he releases or is apart of.


I 100% agree. This is Yuen Woo-Ping original work as director and fight/stunt coordinator/choreograph). The last fight is simply brilliant. It's lightning fast and pretty much none stop. Whoever did the editing did an excellent job. It's not that easy to string continue action together like that so smoothly. After watching this on Netflix DVD, I purchased it on EBay. It's a must have. I also suggest checking out Black Belt . Incredible hand-to-hand combat and a solid story. A lot of good lessons learn in this film about honor and respect. Definitely one of the best Karate movies ever made. Check it out.
