MovieChat Forums > First Family (1980) Discussion > It's theatrical premiere

It's theatrical premiere

I scarcely remember the previews for this...I was only 9 or 10 at the time; we had gone to see THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. I duly recall the audience literally mocking the premier -though I didn't understand just why. I think I almost felt sorry for it! (Dad, why are all these people poking fun of this movie? It's Gilda Radner!)

Years later, I'd found an actual VHS release and was shocked to see such talent (Korman, Newhart, Radner) perform such a lowball comedy. Needless to add, our grownups didn't waste their money; they thought it looked stupid.


Oh well, different strokes, and all that. I'd choose this over "The Empire Strikes Back" any day.


Me and a friend paid full price to see it on its opening week in 1980. We both liked Newhart, Kahn and Radner. It was in a tiny little theatre which had (maybe) 8 eight people in it including us. It had a few good laughs but not enough. Basically it was kind of embarrassing to see these three talented comedians wasting their talents on this. It's easy to see why it was a bomb.


I don't even remember this playing near me. Oh well, at least we had "The Gong Show Movie."


Well I lived near Boston and (back then) Boston got ALL the movies big and small. "The Gong Show Movie" played in Boston too but only one week. I didn't ctach it till it played on cable a few years later. That film was worse than "First Family" but some of the acts were funny.
