Um . . . I liked it.

Yeah, it's true. I especially liked whenever the tikki god with the giant shlong would show up. I also thought it was hilarious when Harvey Korman was like, "Well . . . is it la-la or chi-chi!!??" That's still a running gag with my friends. And the answer is chi-chi of course.

Okay, now crucify me.


You're NOT alone. My favorite scene? When the fake president in the limo gets his head cut off, and the people on the sidewalk scream in horror as their decapitated leader waves to them. Hilarious! I have a poster of this movie in my room. Call me crazy.



Lucky you.


Where are you these days? I sure wish I had a poster for this film, but I'm lucky enough to have the film.


Nice! I stumbled across the original one-sheet in a Boston record store a few years ago. That was before I even bought a VHS copy of the movie itself (finally gave in to eBay)...converted it to DVD though, so I'm content!


I bid (and won) a teaser poster of this movie at emovieposter last night.


Warner Archive is releasing it on DVD March 19th 2013


Was there a scene in this movie where the Black natives were playing basketball ? Or maybe I'm confusing it with another movie.



I remember a scene in THE KENTUCKY FRIED MOVIE where the Asian henchmen were playing basketball in "A Fistful of Yen."

"I take pleasure in great beauty" - James Bond
