at the end, who...

shot Dalton and Eastland??




And why did the CIA kill Dalton? Weren't they aware who he was, or did they just want to let the Exterminator go, so that he could go kill more baddies?

And in the sequel, why doesn't the police have a role at all?

I still think there should be a third movie.. "The Exterminator 3: The Final Burn"


The CIA killed Dalton to tie up all the loose ends in this incident. Remember the CIA guy went to see the mobster about keeping the crime rate down and to see Dalton about possible "foreign" involvement behind the Exterminator, so they kinda had a vested interest in seeing all this put to rest.

I think the sequel was going in a DEATH WISH direction.

"I don't know man, I just got here meself!"



I liked the fact the CIA blew up Dalton's car as well...for no reason whatsoever. I think Glickenhaus wanted another explosion in the movie.


They didn't let him goe. They thought they had killed him, but at the end it shows that he wore a bullet proof west.


It also appears that the CIA wanted to take all the credit for solving the exterminator problem. The last words by the agents was "Washington will be pleased."
