Luke, I am your father or No, I am your father?

I remember "Luke, I am your father" but it has somehow changed?


Shows like The Simpsons jokingly misquote it.

Paul Gray


Rather like 'Beam me up, Scotty', it has been misquoted enough that people believe it's correct (if a lie is told enough, it eventually becomes truth, or something like that)

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


The actual line is, "No. I am your father."

The scene goes like this:

Vader- Obi Wan never told you what happened to your father.

Luke-He told me enough. He told me you killed him.

Vader-No. I am your father.

Vader is directly contradicting what Obi Wan had told Luke, so saying "Luke" rather than "no" wouldn't have had the same impact as the canonical line.

Requiescat in pace, Krystle Papile. I'll always miss you. Justice was finally served.


It's the Mandela Effect. That is when reality shifts and you're transported to a similar, but-not-exactly-the-same parallel reality, most likely because CERN's particle collider is actually a time machine. Look it up. It's a real thing.

He only says "Luke" in the alternate timeline / parallel dimension.

Deal with it.

11... 92... 12...


Came here for the Same reason. I wanted to double check because all my life to me it was "Luke, i am you father"! Also mandela effect has me effed up because there is a lot of things im finding out are Different from what I remember Like "Berenstein bears/Berenstan bears" or "Fruit Loops/ Froot loops". I don't know what to believe anymore: /


Oh my goodness, I ran to the kitchen because I know my brother and sister eat fruit loops. I got chills when i saw "froot." What the actual ....

And for the record, it's Berenstein Bears. I watched the show.


The Mandela Effect notwithstanding (and I have had my share of experiences with it to think it true) I don't really think this is an example of that. The line was always "No. I am your father."

I remember hearing Mandela died in jail, I remember Fruit Loops not Froot Loops and The Behrenstein Bears were always spelled with an "ei" to me. I even remember the movie Sinbad starring Sinbad. But Vader ALWAYS said, "No, I am your father," not "Luke, I am your father."

I don't know if you're aware of this but I've already changed things. I killed Ben Linus.


That's exactly it. It was "Luke, I am your father" when I was growing up. Other movies still reference this way more times than "No. I am your father."

I know it was Berenstein Bears when I was a child, because we had to spell out their names so often in elementary school, and now 20 years later it turns out it was Berenstain? Please.

Someone altered the timeline, I pray they don't alter it any further. Except for maybe preventing 9/11. That would be nice.


YES! It WAS "Luke, I am your Father..."
I watched this film at least 5 times on its first run back in 1980.
At the theater. Many times since then when they FINALLY released it on VHS.

Also C-3PO was ALL Gold and NEVER had a silver leg from the knee down.
EVER! Not until recently...When the Quantum Effect Or Quantum Tunneling took effect.

My good friend that was a Star War Fanatic 'remembers': "No, I am your Father..."
However, he does not remember C-3PO having a Silver Leg of any kind.
This shows how this Quantum Effect has different 'Effects' on millions of people.

What it is NOT is any kind of a memory problem...


It's always been "No, I am your father"


Also C-3PO was ALL Gold and NEVER had a silver leg from the knee down.
EVER! Not until recently...When the Quantum Effect Or Quantum Tunneling took effect.

I just noticed that on the Blu-Rays...

I always thought both legs were gold.

When I was a kid, I even had the Empire Strikes Back C3P0 action figure that came apart so Chewbacca could carry him. I don't remember one of his legs being silver either.

Is this one of those George Lucas changes or something?


Is this one of those George Lucas changes or something?

Quite frankly I thought that myself since Lucas 'Changed' a lot of the original films.
Like the explosions of a planet when the Death Star fired...Or adding in a lot more alien beings, etc.
However that was not the case.

What is really ODD is that Anthony Daniels (Who played C-3P0) says now that he ALWAYS had a silver leg.
Weird eh?
This is what this 'Effect' has been doing.
I will not sit here and say Anthony Daniels is 'wrong'.
His memories are correct...For Him.
In other words his 'Timeline' he is from.

Then again many, many others like myself strongly remember C-3P0 being all gold from the beginning.
We are 'Correct' as well from our 'Timeline'.

How can this be is what many will ask?
There is now technology that can change, alter, merge, whatever different 'Realities' into one reality.

The D-Wave Quantum Computer is a strong theory. (CERN in Switzerland is another in combination with a D-Wave Computer)

There is a video from 2013 with Geordie Rose explaining his D-Wave Quantum Computer and admitting they have been searching other realities. (for 9 years according to Rose and that would be as early as 2003)

Listen closely to the terminology he uses. Creepy does not describe it enough for me anyways. LOL

Video: (Appox 20 mins long)

It is the opinion of many that every time 'They' fire up these machines (Or as it has been put..Quantum Tunneling) something changes.
Logos of companies, Films, and TV shows.

Forrest Gump, Field of Dreams, The Wizard of Oz, and Mr Roger's Neighborhood have all changed.

Forrest now says: "Life WAS like a box of chocolate..." Not "Life IS" anymore.
No matter if you have an old VHS tape you will hear the change.
Field of Dreams now says (in ALL copies new and old): "Build it and HE will come..."
Not "Build it and THEY will come..."
The Wizard of OZ (In one scene where they are in the Haunted Forest) now has the Scarecrow holding a Silver Revolver instead of the Oil Can.
After that scene you never see them with those things again...

I am old enough to remember watching these films many, many times.
We grew up watching the Wizard of OZ every year in the 1960's.

This is just a sample of things that have changed in a fairly recent amount of time too.
The Tin Man not only has his Axe like I remember but now has a Huge Silver Pipe Wrench.
This Lion is now holding a Old Style Bug Sprayer and a Butterfly net. 😕

Now after posting all of this there will be people that will say it has ALWAYS been like this.
I will not disagree with them nor will I post a snarky comment toward them.
I just ask that people respect my memories and hold off on any nasty or mean spirited comment toward me or others that have different memories.

I did not even get into the strangeness of the Ford Logo changing.
Or a number of company logos that have changed or the spellings have changed.

I know of one man that went to the US patent office and found the original spellings of products and company logos.
For example JC Penny is now JC Penney.
However, in the US Patent office they are both in there.
The last spelling as JC Penny that could be found is from 2006 if I am not mistaken.
Yes, you can Google JC Penny and find the WHOLE history of the man as JC Penney.
Now you would think that something like a Company Logo or the Spelling of a Product in a patent would be scrutinized wholeheartedly simply because of the monetary value of a product.
In short, many proof reads by attorneys. Think of the law suits on something of this magnitude.

Coke Zero is one such product. I know a soon as last spring it was ALWAYS Coke Zero on the bottles and cans.
Now it has 'ALWAYS' been Coca Cola Zero on the bottles and cans.
BUT, the name of Coke Zero is in the US Patent office....
Most people know that the Coca Cola Company is very tight lipped about their products.
Especially the formula to what is now referred to as Classic Coke.
I am sure they would be just as vigilant about their product names as well...

My apologizes for such a long post...I was not looking to do that.
It just took a life of its own...LOL
Many will say: "So What...what is the big deal?"
Yes, they seem to be little changes but with so many changes it is in my opinion will add up.

I will end on this.
A video clip of the Wizard of Oz where the Scarecrow, the Tim Man, and even the Lion are holding items that I KNOW from my experience over the years they never had before.

Video: (A minute and forty seconds long)

EDIT: Grammar Corrections to the best of my abilities...


Quite frankly I thought that myself since Lucas 'Changed' a lot of the original films.
Like the explosions of a planet when the Death Star fired...Or adding in a lot more alien beings, etc.
However that was not the case.

What is really ODD is that Anthony Daniels (Who played C-3P0) says now that he ALWAYS had a silver leg.
Weird eh?
This is what this 'Effect' has been doing.
I will not sit here and say Anthony Daniels is 'wrong'.
His memories are correct...For Him.
In other words his 'Timeline' he is from.

Then again many, many others like myself strongly remember C-3P0 being all gold from the beginning.
We are 'Correct' as well from our 'Timeline'.

I bought the DVDs in (2006?), that came with the Bonus disc which had copies of the Theatrical Editions that were used to make the Laserdiscs.

I just checked Episode 4...

C-3P0's leg below the knee is Silver in Episode 4, but it is hard to see. Partly because the camera rarely shows C-3P0's feet...

And even then, sometimes poor lighting, made it hard to tell.

Perhaps because it is so hard to see, unless someone is looking for it, that is why we thought he was all Gold.

Unless Lucas started making changes far earlier than we thought...

I have heard tales, that different (Episode 4) prints made the rounds at the Movie Theaters, and there were some minor differences even among those... Such as different lines...

For the record, I don't ever remember, Darth Vader saying: "Luke, I am your father". For me it was always: "No... I... am your father"

I hate that "Praxis" explosion ring that was added. I don't know why everything has to split evenly in TWO...


It always been "No, I am your father".


Oddly, I've always remembered it as "No Luke. I am your father"
