Can you blame Boba Fett for being so angry and hateful?

After all, he did witness his father's head get chopped off.


How exactly was Boba Fett angry and hateful? He had a job to do as a bounty Hunter and handled it professionally. He only expressed anything remotely like anger when saying "He's worth a lot to me" to Vader upon learning the Imperials were going to put Han in carbonite and possibly cost him his reward if Han died in the process. Once Vader reassures him, Fett never again expresses any negative emotions.

Requiescat in pace, Krystle Papile. I'll always miss you. Justice was finally served.


Doesn't he blame the Rebels for his father's beheading? Isn't that pretty much how he became who he is?


The Rebellion didn't exist at the time of Attack of the Clones. If anything, Fett would have animus toward Luke as a Jedi since a Jedi decapitated Jango.

In any event, you're proceeding from a false assumption not supported by the movie. Boba Fett isn't angry or hateful and has no problem with the Rebellion.

He's simply a bounty Hunter contracted to take Han Solo back to Jabba the Hutt. He acts completely professionally and never indicates any ill will toward anyone.

Requiescat in pace, Krystle Papile. I'll always miss you. Justice was finally served.


Doesn't he blame the Rebels for his father's beheading? Isn't that pretty much how he became who he is?
Na. He is strictly in it for the bounties on their heads, not so different from his "dad". He came to be the way he is because he was groomed from childhood accordingly.


part of his appeal to fans was his proffesionality.


part of his appeal to fans was his professionality.
I concur. I don't know how anybody sees him as angry and hateful.



Probably,but the Rebellion as a whole didn't know Fett was after Han and therefore didn't make an offer.

Requiescat in pace, Krystle Papile. I'll always miss you. Justice was finally served.



Fett is angry about Lucas' bearded out of touch buffoonery. His entire mystique and character was obliterated by the terrible pathetic cash in on his cult popularity by an oaf intent on desecrating not only the bounty hunter but virtually everything else who could destroy in those wretched prequels.

The along comes the saviour JJ and his appalling effort.

Thankfully Rogue one wasn't half bad.

No more dead Lannisters
No More dead Trolls


His entire mystique and character was obliterated by the terrible pathetic cash in on his cult popularity

that was always going to happen with fans clamouring for more Boba Fett. Why do you think that a Boba Fett movie keeps coming up in the news?

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


I'd be angry and hateful too if it turned out that I went from a cool voiced, revered and notorious Bounty Hunter of the Core Worlds, Mid-Rim, and Outer-Rim systems, to a clone child as presented in the prequels.
