MovieChat Forums > The Elephant Man (1980) Discussion > Which scene moved you most?

Which scene moved you most?

For me it would have to be the part where he meets the actress and they are reciting an excerpt from Romeo and Juliet- when she says, "Oh, you're not an Elephant Man at all, Mr. Merrick... you're a Romeo." And then John Merrick shed a tear. At this part I bawled.

Any one who got through watching the elephant man without being moved, is not someone I'd want to know!

What about you?


There are so many...

A subtle one that springs to mind is when the matron runs up the stairs shouting that John had been found with an ecstatic smile on her face, after being so stern with John originally.

I love the way her character started off dismissing John as a hopeless case, then adopting her "well, i clean and care for him, don't i?" attitude to, eventually, adoration.


"Music comes from within, from your heart and from your soul."

When Treves sees Merrick for the first time, and a tear rolls down his cheek. Extraordinary!


That is the scene that made me a HUGE Hopkins fan. The range of emotions you see on Treves' face w/o saying a single word is amazing....and then the tear. You got it right LittleSongbird.....Extraordinary.

"To love another person is to see the face of God" Jean Valjean


Where he begins to cry after meeting Treves's wife... when he thanks the doctor, Carr Gomm and nurse Mothershead when they tell him he's going to stay at the hospital, and they give him a present... those two will stick with me forever.


the ending is a powerfil/moving scence


I agree completely.


For me it would be the scene when he has the meeting with Hopkins wife.
Oh did i cry like a baby.


Mine was where he talked about his mother. It really got to me. His mother was the person loved him for so long, and yet he thought he was a failure in his eyes.

If you have NOTICED this NOTICE then you may have NOTICED that this NOTICE is not worth NOTICING.


definately when he started talking to Carr Gomm and he didnt beleive him, so he started reciting that bible quote (sorry, i cant remember what it was)

and then when he was with Treeves' wife. really moving.


the ending was one of the most astonishing scenes I have ever seen.


So many moving scenes... but the ending probably made me cry more than any other ending, ever.

C'est vraiment dégueulasse.



The lines "I'am not an animal. I'am not an animal!" broke my heart. I will never forget it.


Indeed. What a beautiful portrait of a man so full of goodness yet encumbered with evil all around him.

We are our own worst enemy.


My favorite is when John shows the picture of his mother to Mrs. Treves.


The last scene i must say. His owner once told that if he lies he will die. Then he made the statement that his not an animal or an elephant but a human being. He finaly saw the drawing with the sleeping person and decided to die(sleep) like as a normal person. Excelent movie


all the scenes depicting the terriblness of it all were great too... when he is locked in the cage with the monkeys... and when he is terrorized in the hospital right before... sickening...



For me it was the theater scene.


I cried in the part where Merrick is told that he could stay at the hospital orever and he's presented with the beauty-case. That was somethin.
Then I cried when at the thater Mrs. Kendal dedicates the company's performance to him and everybody clap their hands at him.
And then there's a single moment, when Merrick first meets Mrs Kendal and he's reading the Romeo&Juliet book; at one point he stops for a coupleof seconds, looking halfway through confusion and shyness. Then he looks away, closes the book and, with a voice that could break any living heart, he whispers: "Then it says: "They kiss" ". Beautiful.


The part when he was at the theater. I also cried when John was repeatedly adressing Anthony Hopkins's character as "my friend." The connection between the two characters really got me. BTW, was that the Princess of Wales next to him @ the theater?


yeah that was the Princess.



I've just finished watching it for the first time. I'm still crying!
I think I cried for half of the movie.

When he first says "yes" to Dr. Treves (Hopkins).
When Treves and Carr Gomm hear him reciting the bible by hart.
When Mrs. Kendal first visits him and the read Romeo and Juliet.
When he meets Dr.Treves wife.
When he goes to the theatre and Mrs.Kendal dedicates the performance to him and the crowd raises to aplaud him.
And finally, when he ended building his cathedral.

It's just... beautiful.


Well, the part when Dr. Treves cried when he first saw Merrick, because that cry was so natural. As if the tears just flow by itself. Also, when the other 'freaks' released him from the cage and one of them wishing him luck as he is walking into the ship. But the romeo and juliet recital scene is also very moving to me.

Also, towards the end, when John finally gets a chance to go to the theater and the actress announces and thank John Merrick, I was so moved when the crowd applauds him! I feel so touched..


I'm surprised no one's mentioned the scene where John asks Frederick, "can you cure me?" and Frederick replies no. and John tells him it's alright.


To be honest, its expected. Because I highly doubt someone in his condition can be cured even in this generation. In fact, I believe John probably knows that already and thats why he is not that surprised.

John is contented long as he can remain in the care of Dr. Treves, John knows, if he can be cured, Dr. Treves must have talk to him about the possibility of curing him or something.

But I can understand if you are moved by this scene, just that I'm sure that John will surely ask this question the moment John is revealed to be mentally normal, not an imbecile as he seemed to be.


Yes, I totally agree with this. I howl everytime.


That was the one that moved me the most. It was a subtle sad moment.


Well, the part when Dr. Treves cried when he first saw Merrick, because that cry was so natural.

According to the trivia section for this movie, Anthony Hopkins applied method acting in that scene by thinking of his sick father.

"An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind."
-Mahatma Gandhi
