
in the film, is it true that you can see the two boys naked in the shower scene. Also is it true that there is some sort of masterbation scene in this film because on IMDB one of the tags says it does.



The scene includes a lengthy shot that shows side views of the boys as they stand facing one another in the shower. Each boy's genitals are clearly visible.


I need to tell you, though.
I don't think there was any masturbation scenes...

Not once, so it's kinda weird that IMDb decided to put that for the category thingy...


There was a scene where Kim masturbated under the covers in his bed. Later the neighbor woman found her son doing the same sort of thing and confronted Kim's parents about it.

But anyone who watches this movie in order to get off on seeing naked kids or sexual activity is going to be disappointed. And deservedly so.

"Nothing personal. Your name just happened to come up."
