MovieChat Forums > Don't Go in the House (1980) Discussion > Two different DVDs of this movie?

Two different DVDs of this movie?

I've seen two different covers for this on various internet sites. One is the same as the old Good Times VHS version (and I imagine is the original poster art for the movie). The other has the guy in the heat suit and one of his victims in the steel room. One supposedly has no extras on the DVD and is fullscreen. The other supposedly has a commentary by Dan Grimaldi and a trailer. This one I think was put out by Media Blasters. Or maybe both were and they just changed the cover?

Before I knew this was available on DVD I dubbed my VHS onto DVDR and it is just horrible. Some of the night scenes are so dark you can't even see what is going on (much like Humongous and The Final Terror). I would like to upgrade but I want to get the DVD that is the best copy and has the extras. Which DVD is the good one?



I had both. The full screen no frills came out first and I replaced it with the Media Blasters SE. Good DVD, not loaded with goodies, but clean print, etc.

Great underrated film. And that girl florist had some serious hips, real womanly proportions...niiiiiiice.


Yes she was a nice looking woman. Unfortunately I guess she was never in any other movies. I can't even see her very well on the copy I have, that's one reason why I want to upgrade. I didn't really like seeing her get burned up though. That was a very disturbing scene. But I guess that's what most people will remember about the movie. Eli Roth has nothing on this one, in my opinion.

So who released the first DVD? Was that also Media Blasters, or some other company?



You're right. She was indeed very nice looking. And I agree with you about her death scene. It is very disturbing to watch. She conveyed her character's fear and terror extremely well. She did a very good job with that. She knew there was no way out for her. She knew she was going to die and in an extremely horrific and painful manner- and the look of horror on her face and the beseeching whimpers and moans coming from her throat were just too much to bear. That feeling of abject helplessness is very traumatizing to watch. You really feel bad for this poor, unfortunate young woman who didn't do anything to Donny to deserve what he did to her. I felt so bad for her. As she was dying, I cried for her.


A fly-by-night outfit called NuTech Digital released the first DVD of this film. Horrible quality - as to be expected - and no menu, IIRC. The film just starts when the DVD is put in the player and I believe there were no chapter stops (!).

And, yes, the scene with the florist being brutally murdered - especially in that way - was horrific. I love horror flix just as much as anyone else here but that scene was over the top.

"You give me back my ball... I'll give you yours" - Viggo Mortensen in Renny Harlin's 'Prison'



I bought the NuTech version mentioned earlier for $7 at a used DVD store, I didn't know much about it but I wanted it for my 70-80s exploitation movies collection.

pretty bad quality on the picture, audio really wasn't too bad surprisingly (considering I could clearly hear the whispers in the main character's head). Needless to say, the movie blew me away, it definitely has a level of intelligence not found in many others of this ilk and considering it had no gore and little violence, I was still deeply disturbed.

I found out there is a Media Blasters version (which goes by Shriek Show, for horror releases) and I am thinking about getting that version cause Shriek Show always releases really nice DVDs. At the same time, I think the scratchy, imperfect look of the NuTech DVD might have made the movie a bit more disturbing than one that was completely remastered and restored.... regardless, buy this movie! It's really great and had me thinking about it for days afterward.


Arrow Video in the UK are releasing an uncut version of "Don't Go In The House" on DVD in March 2012, it'll be a budget release on their ArrowDrome label.
