This is still a funny inside joke in my family. And still to this day, I have a giggling fit when I remember it.

This was the best video in my collection! It was funny, entertaining and scary all at the same time. Entertaining because of the Mesozoic Time video, which is still awesome to this day. Funny because of the above reason, the classroom scene was absolutely hilarious (Richard and Margaret are still the best; Phillip flipping out in class during his report, lawl). And scary because of that scene where the dinosaur statue was eating some creature in the woods and there was all that screaming and triller-esque music. Now that I look back, I realise how foolish I was to be afraid of that, but it still makes me shiver just a little when I watch it. I hope kids now-a-days have videos that are just as good.


They don't.


That's sad, innit?

Ah, if only time travel were feasible...


Oh wow, I just happened to think of this video and look it up on imdb, and I was just remembering how funny that part with Richard and Margaret was when I looked at the message boards, and lo, there was one with this title. Thanks for the laugh today. ,
