MovieChat Forums > The Diary of Anne Frank (1980) Discussion > Melissa Gilbert-the worst Anne Frank EVE...

Melissa Gilbert-the worst Anne Frank EVER!

Melissa Gilbert is HORRIBLE.She doesn't look a thing like Anne,She just looks like a girl in a black wig.Plus,the acting is HORRIBLE AND WHINY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!See the ABC version.It's VERY accurate and Hannah Taylor Gordon is WAY better.Skip this crap and get the ABC version at sure you type in Anne Frank:the whole story.


The acting in this is much like an "After School Special."
I watched a BIOGRAPHY on Ms. Gilbert, and she stated that during this time in her life, as she was moving away from "Little House," she realized she really didn't know how to act, since she had only fostered that one character for years.
I have to say it does show in this version, she has no warmth or vitality at all, as the real Anne obviously did as she conveyed it so well on paper.


This movie is on right now; 8am and LHOTP is on at thes same/different channel. I switched between this movie and Little House; with Melissa Gilbert in both shows, I could not tell which was which; her character seemed to be the same, she played Anne Frank as if she were Laura Ingalls.
I, personally, love the 1959 movie with Millie Perkins.


What a Great Comparison !!! It seemed more-like the Jewish Families were having a Slumber Party , rather than hiding from Nazi-Terrorists/Murderers.


Totally agree that Gilbert ws not good at all. I watched this with my dad and, of course, he liked it! I asked him why (I was almost offended at how terrible it was), and he answered "Because Half-Pint was in it!". My dad's a fan of LHOTP, but I don't think he actually liked the movie - just the fact that Gilbert actually did another acting job after LHOTP!

Personally I think that both Millie Perkins and Hannah Taylor Gordon did MUCH better jobs than Gilbert. And the movie seemed so much older than the 1959 version - even the olest version seemed more controversial and realistic!

*formerly pisanni_27*


I dont know. Millie Perkins was awful and a half. Talk about a voice that can shatter glass. Melissa was really bad also, but I think Millie is the absolute worst.


I didn't mind it for what it was but if Miss Gilbert was not so good as Anne I thought Mr. Schell was very good and dignified as Otto Frank -- although I doubt the real Mr. Frank would have really been as patient with all the screaming and shouting going on in that hiding place.


According to Miep Gies, he was. She said that before they went into hiding he was a timid man. Friendly and fatherly, but somewhat meek. During their time in the attic, he was kinda tough. Not bossy or anything, but he knew how to calm everyone down. After he was liberated from Auschwitz and returned to Holland, he went right back to being meek and nervous. He was a leader when he needed to be.

Don't eva let nobody tell you you ain't strong enough


That's very interesting, rmcrae. Thank you for the reply.

My sister and her husband recently went to Amsterdam and saw the Anne frank house and she said Otto Frank was really quite smart when it came up to arranging and supplying their hiding place. She was very impressed and, of course, saddened. She thought it the most interesting stop on their trip.


You're welcome, beckeis!

"My sister and her husband recently went to Amsterdam and saw the Anne frank house and she said Otto Frank was really quite smart when it came up to arranging and supplying their hiding place. She was very impressed and, of course, saddened. She thought it the most interesting stop on their trip."

That's so cool. I'd love to visit it one day too. It's true that Otto was not only a leader when he needed to be, but he always thought ahead and was a great planner.

Don't eva let nobody tell you you ain't strong enough


I don't know how she was cast with her voice in this. It stuck out like a sore thumb with all the other players using an European twang.
