
I think that I actually protested this when it came out. Now it seems almost relentlessly pro-gay. The bad cops are consistently shown in a negative light for harassing gay men. The good cops seem legitimately concerned about the fate of the gay victims. Al Pacino's character forms a sincere friendship with his very gay neighbor. The bar scenes were pretty accurate for urban leather bars in the late 70s. FFA license plates! I wonder how much of the protest was because it showed fringe elements of the gay community who would scarcely raise an eyebrow in 2009.


more like of the the things the film is about is the consequences of homophobia,i.e. social conditions that lead to police brutality,self hate,and really is a terrible thing,and where the film stands on it should be plain to see for anyone who actually pays attention to it.


I am currently watching this film and I can definitely see some outcry. It’s almost hard to watch some scenes.


I can't understand why so many gay men protested this movie. The subculture that it depicted really did exist in pre-AIDS New York, and elements of it still exist here today. I didn't see anything anti-gay in this film. I think that the movie might have just hit a little too close to home for the activists of the time.


As someone who, frankly, doesn't care for homosexuals and their political movement, I found this movie to be anything but "homophobic." Quite the opposite, in fact. Like you, I consider the film to be pro-homosexual.

I suppose the reason this movie was protested was because, apart from the fact that the homosexual lobby is always looking for something to whine about so it can get free publicity and flex its muscles, the film's depiction of the homosexual counterculture was too realistic (if anything, the movie tends to downplay how perverse it actually was and still is, probably because about 40 minutes of footage was cut at the behest of censors). "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth," as the saying goes. The homosexual lobby wants to present a sanitized, sugar-coated image of the homosexual lifestyle and feels that portrayals which show it to be the perverse, hedonistic, self-destructive lifestyle it actually is would be counterproductive to its political agenda (which right now seems to mostly revolve around forcing the travesty known as "gay marriage" down the public's throat).

The homosexual lobby pulled the same thing again in the 90's with Basic Instinct, a film which only the most rabid homosexual zealots could consider to be anti-homosexual. If anything, Basic Instinct glamorized aberrant sexual relationships rather than stigmatizing them. I highly doubt that the Dutch liberal who directed Basic Instinct harbored any ill will towards homosexuals.

I'm reminded of the feminist airheads who protested the novel American Psycho claiming it was misogynistic when the novel clearly makes misogynists look bad. I guess thinking ain't the feminists' strong suit. So stupid are the stated reasons for most of these protests that you almost have to wonder if they aren't orchestrated by the publishers/producers themselves to gain publicity for their products; nothing sells like controversy, after all (well, most of the time, anyways).

That the homosexual lobby considers pro-homosexual movies like Cruising and Basic Instinct to be prime examples of "homophobic" moviemaking suggests that there is (regrettably) little real "homophobia" in modern America. Give me 10 million dollars to make a movie and I'll show you what REAL "homophobia" is about. Homos should thank their lucky stars that guys like me aren't in charge of Hollywood.

The silver lining in all this is that it has shown to the average person how little respect special interest groups like the homosexual lobby, despite using the rhetoric of freedom, have for others' artistic freedom, freedom of expression, and freedom of choice. You know it's bad when a filmmaker is forced to put a disclaimer in front of his movie by the zealots who form the homosexual lobby. I can only hope that someday soon, homosexual filmmakers will have their shoots disrupted by protesters the way homosexuals disrupted the filming of Cruising and Basic Instinct.


Someone's an idiot.

Rattle big, black bones.


Yeah, the movie's pro-gay because its not nearly as perverse and aberrant as it should be. Now that's an unbiased opinion.


Very strange that a bigot like yourself would even watch "Cruising".You probably don't like Blacks,Hispanics or anyone who isn't white,repulican baby boomer,who listens to Rush Limbaugh,watches only fox "news", reads only the WSJ and thinks that Mel Gibson's "The Passion...."was the greatest film ever made.


RE: le_chiffre-1,

Have you ever considered that the reason behind the gay "counter-culture" is your own ignorance and intolerance. To be completely honest, most of the men who frequent PSE's (public sex environments), such as sex on premises clubs and "beats," would be married, Christian men. The reason behind this is that quite a few of the people you would deem to be decent citizens are, in fact, repressed homosexual men. If I have to hear another married man ask me for sex I think I will scream - but really, I'm sure you wont even believe that considering your stance on gay marriage and homosexuality in general.

On a lighter note, the movie itself seemed to be quite neutral with respect to homophobia (the small parts of it I've seen), but it's right-wing, red neck, troglodytes with a room-temperature IQ like yourself, that would find a reason to complain about how "pro-gay" the movie "clearly" was.

People should open their eyes and realise that we are in the 21's century. No one would bat an eyelid if a film about lesbians "getting it on" was to be made, whether it be in 2009, or 1979. I think that some people (STR8 MEN), just have a problem with accepting something slightly different. If two women were to walk down the street and hold hands, I doubt anyone would bat an eyelid, however, where I live when two men do this, they are jeered and harassed.

Homosexuality is just god's way of making sure the truly gifted aren't burdened with children.

Ps: the film is a murder-mystery, not a gay porno ;)


Being a bigot to a bigot (insisting that straight people can't be "truly gifted" and gay people ALL are, calling kids a burden) doesn't make you any better than lechiffre.


how do you know how perverse the homosexual counterculture was? were you part of it? Honest question. The movie featured a guy getting fisted in a public bar...i wouldn't say that that is downplaying anything! I don't know what gay bars you've been to...but I know at the ones I've been to that sort of behavior would be put a stop to with the quickness...It's interesting how you call gay marriage a travesty...we live in a world filled with rape, murder, and torture and you call gay marriage a travesty? Are you for real? Like, seriously! It's also interesting how you insinuate that feminists are makes you seem so bitter! Have you met feminists? Are they all stupid? I doubt it! What is with you making such pointless hurtful comments?!? Do you feel like that is your role as a human being? Causing suffering for no reason? Not every person in the homosexual lobby is a zealot...this is another sweeping your all feminists are stupid would benefit by seeing others as individuals...their are good and bad gay people just like there are good and bad straight people...PLZ SHAPE UP! All these insults that you hurl at gays/feminists are just short-term solutions to some deeper problem you have...instead of focusing on other peoples shortcomings why not try a little introspection and fix whatever it is that is wrong with your won't regret it...



w/e the guy made A-hole remarks...i don't care if hes trolling or not...I'm going to fight back...

"Jesus Christ, what a bunch of dumbasses. You're so far up your own asses you can't see that this guy is trolling you.

Don't paint crosshairs on your forehead, then whine because you're a target. "

-this is a "troll" comment


While I (as a gay man) certainly do not agree with all of Le Chiffre's post, he does make some excellent and very much true points.


why stand up for a guy who obviously loathes you for something you don't have any control over?


Because some people are actually capable of reading, comprehending and agreeing with content after seeing "I don't support homosexuality" instead of just calling the person a homophobe and bigot and writing off everything else they said.



"As someone who, frankly, doesn't care for homosexuals and their political movement"
Really,le chiffe?
You don't care about the so-called political movement or soley homosexuals? How did you feel before the gay marriage issue came about?
Everything does not revolve around religion ,lobbying,and politics because that would be singleminded. For example,what makes you think that just as many homosexuals don't vote for gay marriage?

"I suppose the reason this movie was protested was because, apart from the fact that the homosexual lobby.."
No,the reason is because the homosexual community cannot afford to be bashed since it's already discrminated against. You think most audiences are intelligent enough to watch this damn film and realize that the sleaze going on is not what homosexuality is about? You can't assume that.

"Homos should thank their lucky stars that guys like me aren't in charge of Hollywood"
Why,what favor would you offer homosexuals to show how things really are?
Call the wrong man a "homo" to his face and you may find yours bashed-in. Just some advice. You are a pretentious sort, you know.. the type that takes a break from their wives for some male-male high-jink.



I get it now, you're trolling.


Kill yourself you worthless, pathetic, slimy, homophobic, bigoted retard. People like you give humans a bad name.


definitly spoilers in here.. beware.

I understand what you are saying... and maybe you're right... but theres one thing that bothered me in this film.

the hero, Pacino, a definitly hetero sexual cop, spends most of the film in the company of gay men and in hardcore gay clubs... and we can cleary see that as the film progresses he slowly starts to question his own sexuality.

but what bothers me is that at the end of the film.. he is not turned into a gay men... the film trys to seed the idea that he was turned into a killer. as if a hetero male, or someone that questions his sexuality will become a killer if he spends too much time in gay bars.

i just found that odd and anti-gay... my two sents.



It's commenting on homosexual counter culture just by the fact that it takes place in the homosexual counter culture. If Friedkin just wanted a background for a murder mystery, he'd choose more of a trope setting.


Nope, I think it is basically using the "Blue Oyster Bar" leather scene as a freakshow to make money by "shocking" a heterosexual audience. The idea that a heterosexual cop like Al Pachino would "go gay" after staking out these bars is something right out of the 700 Club. But I don't think it was made to support the 700 Club types, to the contrary I think it was meant to shock them and shake their confidence in the world. This whole movie is sort of a big joke on beourgoise sensibility.


{I suppose the reason this movie was protested was because, apart from the fact that the homosexual lobby is always looking for something to whine about so it can get free publicity and flex its muscles, the film's depiction of the homosexual counterculture was too realistic (if anything, the movie tends to downplay how perverse it actually was and still is, probably because about 40 minutes of footage was cut at the behest of censors). "Truth is hate to those who hate the truth," as the saying goes. The homosexual lobby wants to present a sanitized, sugar-coated image of the homosexual lifestyle and feels that portrayals which show it to be the perverse, hedonistic, self-destructive lifestyle it actually is would be counterproductive to its political agenda (which right now seems to mostly revolve around forcing the travesty known as "gay marriage" down the public's throat).}

I can well imagine that a lot of reviewers, especially gay ones, will be outraged by the paragraph by [le-chiffre-1] above, but not withstanding it's objectionable position, there is a lot of truth in what's been said there.

The scenes in the film were as close to realistic as a commercial films could get. Also at that time promiscuity by various elements of the population, gays in particular, was especially rampant. It was the height of the "sexual liberation" experience. However, gays alone do not indulge in what some people would regard as disgusting behavior. Furthermore, there are gays, who without being chaste puritan types, are nonetheless put off by the sexual behaviors of some gays, as could some heterosexuals by some of the behavior of some of their own kind if they but knew of it.
It is also true that some gay activist types, represented in [le-chiffre]'s term "the gay lobby" would have opposed the film for not presenting "their kind" in what they would consider a favorable light, but then that is true also of all other actist types. Thus minorities of other varieties like to present themselves favorably too, and are willing to suppress any information about their own kind that they find unflattering. This includes such "sacred cow" groups: Jews, blacks, Hispanics, women and various other ethnic or religious elements of the population.

{The homosexual lobby pulled the same thing again in the 90's with Basic Instinct, a film which only the most rabid homosexual zealots could consider to be anti-homosexual. If anything, Basic Instinct glamorized aberrant sexual relationships rather than stigmatizing them. I highly doubt that the Dutch liberal who directed Basic Instinct harbored any ill will towards homosexuals.

I'm reminded of the feminist airheads who protested the novel American Psycho claiming it was misogynistic when the novel clearly makes misogynists look bad. I guess thinking ain't the feminists' strong suit. So stupid are the stated reasons for most of these protests that you almost have to wonder if they aren't orchestrated by the publishers/producers themselves to gain publicity for their products; nothing sells like controversy, after all (well, most of the time, anyways).}

In the two paragraphs above [le-chiffre] again makes very valid point.

{That the homosexual lobby considers pro-homosexual movies like Cruising and Basic Instinct to be prime examples of "homophobic" moviemaking suggests that there is (regrettably) little real "homophobia" in modern America. Give me 10 million dollars to make a movie and I'll show you what REAL "homophobia" is about. Homos should thank their lucky stars that guys like me aren't in charge of Hollywood.}

Regarding the paragraph above: There is true "homophobia" scattered around in the US, but it is insignificant compared to the homophobias in most other cultures ie: the Roman Catholic Latin American phony ultra macho posing culture; the fanatically obsessive Islamic culture; the rigid regulated Hindu caste culture; the politically ideological Chinese culture.

Euro-American culture is comparatively extremely liberal compared to its own past and to the present of those cultures named above. Euro-American should be grateful for this development, and its minorities should be even more grateful, and this includes more than just the gays.
Women are some of the most deluded about how favorable it is for them in the Euro-American societies. They don't appreciate how good they have it.
Political agitators are always at work stirring up dissatisfaction in all these groups, not just gays.

As for [le-chiffre]'s concern about the gay marriage issue, that in particular is a good example of one of the issues being used by activists to stir up trouble where it needn't exist. Everyone's being mislead and misinformed about everything constantly.

{The silver lining in all this is that it has shown to the average person how little respect special interest groups like the homosexual lobby, despite using the rhetoric of freedom, have for others' artistic freedom, freedom of expression, and freedom of choice. You know it's bad when a filmmaker is forced to put a disclaimer in front of his movie by the zealots who form the homosexual lobby. I can only hope that someday soon, homosexual filmmakers will have their shoots disrupted by protesters the way homosexuals disrupted the filming of Cruising and Basic Instinct.}

In the preceeding paragraph [le-chiffre] has again made a very good point. A lot of these "zealots" who complain about prejudice and mistreatment are themselves very intolerant and seem to be incapable of exercising their cherished beliefs in "freedom of speech and opinion."

Reviewers who denounce such reasonable and well presented positions like those written by [le-chiffre] aren't discriminating between the reasonable differing opinion and the mindless hostile bigotry of a true fanatic.


The homosexual lobby wants to present a sanitized, sugar-coated image of the homosexual lifestyle and feels that portrayals which show it to be the perverse, hedonistic, self-destructive lifestyle it actually is would be counterproductive to its political agenda (which right now seems to mostly revolve around forcing the travesty known as "gay marriage" down the public's throat).

Give me 10 million dollars to make a movie and I'll show you what REAL "homophobia" is about. Homos should thank their lucky stars that guys like me aren't in charge of Hollywood.

Chops-4, do you honestly think these are reasonable differing opinions?


I don't know. I still don't think Hollywood has come close to making a film really examining the root and pervasiveness of homophobia in our society. Same thing in regards to honest films on race or sexism or class or any other form of institutionalized oppression. It's either whitewashed out of existence in films, or tied up neatly into easy-to-read back-slapping bourgeois-liberal message films that don't get close to the real root of the problem.


It is true that on one hand the movie did show how horrible homophobia can be. On the other hand I and others who I have discussed this movie with came away with the conclusion that being in this part of the gay world turns you into a monster. Both points are valid.


It is true that on one hand the movie did show how horrible homophobia can be. On the other hand I and others who I have discussed this movie with came away with the conclusion that being in this part of the gay world turns you into a monster. Both points are valid.

Which Freidkin has a way of doing with his films, he leaves the final conclusion up to the viewer, people tend to input a lot of their own world views into his ambiguous endings...they did it with The Exorcist (some see Karras as sacrificing himself to save the girl - some see it as the Devil winning) and they do it with this film. Which he totally intended, Al himself has said that Freidkin told him to play his final closeup completely blank so the viewer would freely interpret his mental/moral state according to their own mental/moral state.

In his best days William Freidkin was as good as they get IMO.

None of you seem to understand.I'm not locked in here with you.You're locked in here with ME


Part of the problem is that gay life is narrowly depicted in the film, largely to shock heterosexuals. Intentionally or not, gay people become celluloid vampires.

The gay neighbor is pretty much the only sight of gay people or a larger gay community outside of the S&M leather bars. Even then his career is stereotypical gay, his boyfriend is abusive, quite possibly a murderer.

Again, this could have been avoided or greatly improved, had certain, relatively easy, choices been made.


I will admit that Le Chiffre's post might not be as bad as some people make it out to be...but come on! It definitely isn't as innocent and reasonable as you make it out to be either. He calls gay marriage a travesty when we live in a world filled with rape, murder and torture (real travesties)...He makes sweeping generalizations (which is almost always wrong, if not always wrong). He says feminists aren't the thinking type, which is a statement that any intuitive person would meet with skepticism, not to mention it is just plain mean-spirited. Surely, at least one feminist on the face of the earth is "the thinking type"! He says all gay lobbyists are zealots...another overgeneralization that should be met with would he know has he met every gay lobbyist ever! Some of them probably aren't zealots, some of them probably just lobby for gay rights out of boredom or to make friends or whatever...which admittedly isn't the best reason to lobby for a cause...regardless lobbying for gay rights for the sake of combating boredom would not be considered boredom shouldn't be referred to as zealotry...he also talks about how some of the grody gay bar scenes in the film downplay how grody the gay bar scene was in NYC in 1980. How would he know unless he has been there? And, if he has been there, then maybe he isn't as anti-gay as he is letting even begs the question "is he gay?" Think about it.


NO TOO MENTION HIS COMMENT ABOUT HOW IF HE RULED HOLLYWOOD HE WOULD SHOW "HOMOS" what real homophobia can you stick up for this guy who is an obvious bigot...are you a bigot as well?


I don't really see this as "pro gay" like a lot of modern films, it seemed to carry that 60's Hollywood message that gayness led one down a terrible path that would end in murder, madness, or suicide. Sort of like "Advise and Consent" or "The Detective." The scene where the guy who gets stabbed in the seedy hotel room is laying on the slab at the morgue is right out of Pat Robertson and the 700 Clubs take on how you'll end up if you decide to "go gay." The film suggests that there is this epidemic of homosexuality and that it is "spreading" amongst ordinary men who in frustration of getting fleeced by predatory females in divorce decide that "You're better off, you're better off" going gay. And Pacino's character himself finally succumbs and is recruited "into the life" in the scene where he has this "epiphany" on the dance floor in the leather bar and does that really, really bad dancing that looked like an epileptic seizure. Furthermore, with the different actors playing the killer, the movie suggests that homosexuality, taken to it's logical conclusion, eventually turns you into a killer. Still though, I can't imagine the "blue collar gay basher" types sitting through this movie. Can you really imagine "Joe Sixpack" buying tickets for him and his girl to go see this movie on Saturday night? So I think the danger of "homophobes" aping the killer and bashing gays while saying "You made me do this!" is not very likely since those kind of people aren't going to sit through this movie in the first place.



"It seemed to carry that 60's Hollywood message that gayness led one down a terrible path that would end in murder, madness, or suicide".

But even if that is so, wouldn't the question be 'why' does it lead down such a path? To think that Friedkin & co meant to indicate that such destructive impulses are inherent in the homosexual orientation itself, strikes me as much too stupidly simplistic and blatantly reactionary. On the other hand, what if the violence perpetrated by these "leather daddies" has its root cause in being unable to accept oneself as one is due to the upbringing and social marginalization - that these homo killers have grown up in an environment that views gays as undesireable deviants and freaks? Now, it is quite true that this perspective - if it indeed is the one the film is meant to represent - is somewhat underdeveloped and vague, especially in regards to Pacino's character dynamic, but nevertheless strikes me as a more credible one than Friedkin singing this moronic chorus about homosexuality being a contageous disease that'll turn you into a monster.

"facts are stupid things" Ronald Reagan
