Synopsis all wrong

The "plot summary" (by "Marta Dawes") listed for this movie has so many errors! Zoe doesn't move to San Francisco "with her child"--he doesn't run off from his grandmother's house in Omaha until after Thanksgiving. Zoe has no "personality conflicts" with Mr. Adams--like most of the choir, she meekly obeys his every command, at least as best she can. Mrs. Burns quits in a huff after she is passed over for the soprano solo, but the only other person in the choir who thinks about quitting is the woman who feels guilty because her husband is dying of cancer, and of course Wendell, who temporarily leaves after he is falsely accused of destroying the pipe organ. I don't remember anytime in the movie when Zoe "contemplates leaving the choir." Why IMDB has this as the leading summary, when the other two are more correct, is a puzzle to me.
