What's that song?

Chong is on his bike in the livingroom and revving the *beep* out of it and smokes a cockroach from a pipe. What is the song playing in the background? It's probably in the credits but I'll have to rent it again. Anyone know?


I love that song also and it makes that scene. I have the movie and I did not catch it in the credits. I don't believe it is by an actual band. There were some songs performed by musicians listed (original music by...), and I think that was one of them. I will try to check out my cassette and see.



O.K. thanks, but I've tried searching on the net -
Do you know the band name?


the band name is Killer and I think they're from sweden. good luck trying to find them. I've been looking for a long time. if you find something let everyone know.


I guess places to keep looking are

file sharing, Napster type stuff.
Thanx for the band name though, that's awesome.


I'm also looking for a song in the "Nice Dreams" movie.
I've tried starting a thread there, but no response.

Cheech and Chong are going to see Wierd Jimmy and are talking about pissing on the pot plants and a rest home for old hippies.
There's a song being played during these conversations - what's that song????????
