Bobcat uncredited

I just noticed this time around (seen this flick many times).

The wino/bum on the stairs when Chong first goes into the hotel to meet Red, who says "Ahhhh, errrrr, Ahhhh, Merry Christmas" is Bobcat Goldwaith.

He isn't credited anywhere, but I'm sure it is him. From his filmography, this would seem to be his first movie appearence.

Anyone else catch him?



he looked like Scott Thompson


I think he did the voice over too.


I really don't think it was him. Yes, it did sound like him, but just because it did, doesn't mean it's automatically him. I am sure if it was him, Bobcat fans out there would have made mention of this in his filmography, not to mention on IMDB.



"bobcat doesn't have any fans, so that would be tough". lol, that's freakin hilarious!!!!

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